Random Announcements
Can't wait for the new round of IH tees. More colors and pocket tees; Spring/Summer round of product can't come soon enough…
Just wanted to wish everyone here a Happy New Year! I love you all!
shoreman's avatar game is on point. woody from whiteman can't jump
what? it's random
I've just got in from a walk around a local park with the family, and on the way home it struck me why I love my Iron Heart clothes so much, they all feel like I have owned them forever, they are so comfortable. I was wearing my Busters, my IHSH-31, an IHT and my IHM-01, the temperature was about 6 degrees with a slight wind chill and I felt warm and toasty, and extremely comfortable.
Off to the city
I feel your pain.. Was like that when I returned from a vacation over summer except there was 0 power. I was about to kill someone lol.
lol, no , I am really really excited about it…
It is great to have that freedom. I was glad when I went off for this past holiday as I knew I wouldn't be checking my email for 1.5 weeks and wouldn't hear anything about work for the same. I didn't even have a phone contact!