Random Announcements
Just one question for you- can you move in that mass of denim?
Not really safe, I've stopped keeping Tommy on a chain, so he is pretty free to attack whenever and wherever
Seriously though, it is surprisingly mobile and comfortable. With the added advantage of being stab proof
A bonus, no doubt, in Mansfield…
Jeeez, I only wore 2 jackets at once as an experiment, and now I've been called a ginger bearded tosser, had my home town insulted, and now being threatened with knives :o
I remember when this used to be a friendly place
I simply asked a practical question and now it's being implied that I am a violent, abusive man.
I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered.
It's ok guys, where I come from being drunk and offensive is a way of life (and no I am not from Texas ).
Since I got home from work ( I ducked out early to buy the Gosport tee), all I have done is buy a tee, chat over PM with a couple of guys on here, and ….
It's ok guys, where I come from being drunk and offensive is a way of life (and no I am not from
TexasBelgium ).