in the future is hard to top. the more i listen to wilderness heart the more i love it though.
Just rediscovered Bongzilla…
riffblaster… any post show black mountain review? theyre playing the el rey here the day before thanksgiving.
yes! thanks for reminding me…..
it was a two band show. I really like Black Angels' albums but live it gets really repetitive and sort of boring. I have a short attention span so after a little while they sort of lost me. I think if i was on drugs i would have probably enjoyed it alot more. That said, their new record is great, just not the best thing to stand up and watch.
Black Mountain was GREAT. Mostly stuff from the new record. They played all of the "heavy" songs on the new one as well as one of the acoustic tracks (buried by the blues). They didnt play the hair song which i was sorta surprised by. a good selection from in the future as well.....stormy high, wucan, stay free, angels. from the first record they only played druganaut (and j mascis sat in on guitar which was awesome). i would have loved to hear dont run our hearts around and queens will play but the set was great. good energy, good pacing, they sounded amazing and were super tight. they played about an hour and a half and it flew by. dont miss em!!!!
Sorted out about 40 thousand tracks so far and thought about rying make an "Ironheart" playlist - not by reference but by sound, whatever the hell that might be - answers on a postcard pls.
Humbly submitted for forum approval…
This song, somewhat for its lyrics and theme, somewhat for the 'rolicking' melody and syncopation, could work as part of an IH playlist. Definately fits my interpretation of 'Americana', in a bit of a abstract/esoteric, but appropriate way.
Artist(s): Nomeansno
Song: Heaven is in the Dust Beneath My Shoes
Album: All Roads Lead to AusfahrtPlus, they're punk rock grandpas.
there are people who dont like guitar wolf?
They rule!!! Haven't seen them in years though. Good show?
Anyone else care for Black Cobra?
black cobra is great. turbonegro rules. loud guitars ftw.
also…(warning, shameless self promotion ahead) if you like these bands, give my band doomriders a listen. you may dig it.
^Are you chris or nate? I love Converge (saw them in Hamburg this year, great show) and thus discovered Doomriders some weeks ago. I love them… Great band, keep it up!
Are y@stever:
wait wait what the fuck
you're in doomriders??????????+1!!!!!!!!! Holy shit!
im nate. thanks guys! stoked you guys dig it!
^so you're in Converge also…I'd like to say "Thank you!" for great music and awesome shows in the past... Fantastic to see you around here!