@Finkster you're welcome! Check out the bad Earthless. Your probably like them, too. Acid King's III album is probably their finest work.
Sleep and OM are my 2 favorites.
OM ~ At Giza / Flight of the Eagle (Conference of…: -
Very atmospheric! - perfect for the morning coffee
… Thx a lot @FilthyBloodJunkie
Hell yeah.
I am going to see them next month.
In case anyone on here is a Lamb of God fan…. New song/video "512" out today. Album is out late July.
i really dig this:
@Finkster you're welcome! Check out the bad Earthless.
Mario Rubalcaba is arguably the greatest modern drummer, I still remember the first time I heard Too Simple by Clikatat Ikatowi, still absolutely slays… Very different to Earthless but he has still got it for sure!
Are we allowed to make half year lists yet? Obviously!
In no particular order:
Wilderun - Sleep at the Edge of the Earth (
Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase
Barren Earth - On Lonely Towers
Alkaloid - The Malkuth Grimoire (
Amestigon - Thier (
Misþyrming - Söngvar Elds Og Óreiðu (
Outre - Ghost Chants (
Obsequiae - Aria of Vernal Tombs ( decent year for metal, especially black metal. I could probably add more titles, but I'll stop here.
Speaking of supporting local music…
My good friends in Black Fast have their debut album dropping in August, metalsucks is streaming the debut single.
@finkster Mush is the best punk record of all time. Oh how I long for Frankie Stubbs and company to put out another new record.
Fuck yeah @xtcclassic - sounds killer. Your friends did a good job, sounds like something I'd buy!
The new Faith No More is pretty awesome.
^ Backed to the absolute max ^
Completely in love with Sol Invictus, easily the best thing they've done since Angel Dust (which admittedly means it only tops two albums). Great to see the comeback isn't a cash-in and that they can still deliver something fresh. Mike Patton is a fucking genius though, which I guess helps…
Some great stoner sludge I wanted to share with you.
@Finkster you're certain to like this stuff if you've not heard it before.