IHSH-08SBG - 16oz Super Black Fades to Grey Western Shirt
After years of searching, reading through every page of this thread multiple times, and lusting after every other SBG IH product, I finally have my grail shirt.
After meeting up with @Clint_D during the Austin Meetup in November, he remembered me talking about wanting on 08 for ages. Thanks to him, I now have this stupidly heavy shirt, and I couldn't be happier to have bruises on my arms.
Think this is actually an 08 way before sbg or the snakeeyes 08
Either way great pickup
Love your unique style
The 08 is such a beast! I need to break mine out more often! I’m looking forward to seeing how well you can get it broken in @FormulaPfaff! Are those still the 32oz N&F denim in the pics?
Think this is actually an 08 way before sbg or the snakeeyes 08
Either way great pickup
Love your unique style
oops…should i post in a different thread? I didnt realize there was a different version other than the sbg and the ss. Pardon my ignorance but how can you tell and whats the difference?
YOu good
The buttons are bone colored and the material does not fade
I think this is the thread you should be in
but either way thanks for sharing dope fit
the thing that puzzles me is this one seems to have fading already. Thanks for the education monday
I'll trade you a pristine SBG for that SS
I could be wrong just going by the buttons and this is a little before buttoning switching was a thing.
Either way great score from a great forum member
More importantly let us see your 75 and your hollows leathers suspenders (wishing he would make them again)
Super stealth or snakeeyes was after the 08 but with black buttons and then came the sbg version. . . if memory serves me correctly ???
wow, this thing came out before I was even into denim…what a trip. definitely appreciate the info. I'll post some 75 and suspenders soon since you asked...
I do believe you are correct…..
Are those still the 32oz N&F denim in the pics?
Yessir, they are ~150 days of wear. I figured they were a cool comparison against the IH black denim
Monday and I have just demonstrated how to properly clog a thread:)
@Haddtoo 555 What do you do when wearing this shirt to get it to fade so nicely?
May buy this shirt to go with the 777 SBG jeans. -
You are kind. I would envy what you would do to one of these
wear it like your 33, I’m sure it would turn out great.
I treat mine like I bought it at Target. Wash & wear and don’t care.
Man, I miss this shirt. Why did I ever let it get away. [emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]
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