Just placed an order for a 9" 2005 in brown Oil Tan. (vibram 705 halfsole and double leather midsole). I think it will be a beautiful build

Posts made by a.khan12390
RE: The Wild Ones - Viberg/Iron Heart Engineer Boot
RE: Special oder corodvan engineer boot. with single leather sole 10 inch eight
Forget to check the Iron Heart forum for a week and this happens, I just pulled the trigger on two vibergs including an engineer…. where to find the money for these.
RE: Viberg
black horsehide in the 2045 last is almost as good as the 310.
What i would kill for is brown horsehide in the 310, 2045, or 2030 last in a EE width
RE: Iron Heart Meetups
this sucks, im in the middle of finals otherwise i would cut and head down to seny. fuck school
RE: Oak Street Bootmakers
hey, does anyone have any suggestions to reduce heel slippage. the front half of the shoe is snug, even a little bit tight but ive still got some heel slippage?
RE: Oak Street Bootmakers
Just ordered a pair of beefroll laoafers. I wanted to order direct from OSB but i need them before 6 weeks(estimated wait time). Got them from end clothing, even with the discounts it was expensive. i feel like its definitely cheaper for uk shoppers to buy direct.
RE: Viberg
andrew and kiya said viberg boots, but i dont know if thats public info
RE: Viberg
The VIberg group buy on sufu is about to go through, be prepared for some amazing custom japanese horse hide vibergs coming to a forum near you
RE: Japan Trip - May 2011
japan is clearly the place to be right now
RE: Anyone here play video games?
Just pre-ordered skyrim for the 360, this is going to be the best game in the last two years, hands down
RE: The Strike Gold
yeaa, 1105, 1103, and 2105. I really do adore these jeans, i really have to stop buying them and save for some more iron heart flannels
RE: The Strike Gold
picked up the 1103 in the standard denim, getting hemmed at seny but the fit is freeking sick
RE: Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
Damn stan, epic leg… btw anyone seen the japan tour jeans, we are kicking their asses its not even funny
RE: The Strike Gold
Finally got around to photographing(photos dont do them justice) my SG1105s, 9 months wear
today officially old enough to post in this thread, will post when i have a great waywt to show
RE: IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
yo interest check for a pair of 666s 32 waist, worn maybe 4-5 times. thanks
RE: Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
those are looking damn good, damn damn good