Yea I definitely don't need 35 in the waist for the busters because of the rise. The 634s sits where pants aught to and the 33 buttons up without too much resistance. Just a little tight but still comfortable enough without any stretch.
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RE: IHXB01 - Beatle Buster 21oz Japanese Selvage Denim Indigo
RE: IHXB01 - Beatle Buster 21oz Japanese Selvage Denim Indigo
Hey I need some help with sizing. My favorite pair of jeans are my pbj007 (od 005) in a size 32. The problem is that I have to sag them so they sit on my hips that the thighs aren't skin tight. Because of this the waist measures around 35" and is still a little tight. I recently picked up some 634s size 33 from self edge but the legs are a bit too loose. The top block is quite snug but by the time your half way down my thigh you can pinch an inch and a half of denim. My gut reaction is to go with a 33 buster until I read in here somewhere that the top block of the buster is tighter than the 634s. Not to mention the waist appears to be an inch smaller in the busters… That will be a squeeze but doable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!