The Monk's Kettle (Bar)
3141 16th St
(between Albion St & Valencia St)
San Francisco, CA 94103
Neighborhood: Mission
Great place for some premium beers. Definitely a good stop if you go to Selfedge; just a couple minutes of walking.
The Monk's Kettle (Bar)
3141 16th St
(between Albion St & Valencia St)
San Francisco, CA 94103
Neighborhood: Mission
Great place for some premium beers. Definitely a good stop if you go to Selfedge; just a couple minutes of walking.
That cherry color gets to me. These might be my next purchase as far as shoes.
I did read up on sizing. Selfedge says these shrink 1/2inch when washed, on your site minimal shrinkage. I'd assume to true to size. I am 5 8 131lbs about to get a size small is that correct
How is the sizing on this?
I am looking at selfedges sizing and its throwing me off with the sizing posted up here?
I wear a tagged 30 in flathead f310 my true waist is slightly above 30. Would say 30.5.
After I soak my fh's I can button it up easily, but it is still tight and stretched comfortably.
What tagged size for the IHXB01 21oz?
I would assume they stretch a lil overtime in the waist?