Hello everyone,
my name is Fabrice, I'm 49, I live in France, I'm from the city of Bordeaux and I'm a fan of the brand. I have an atypical professional career and I combine several jobs being a little over-active.
I love japan, and many arts related to it. For example bonsai, but also cutlery, and indigo. That's how one day a few years ago I discovered the IH brand. From there I started to look at certain clothes without buying them. I looked a lot on the forum for examples of outfits that I would like to wear. Then at the end of last year I took the plunge and bought a first piece. For me, an IH garment is a piece that I often associate with my wardrobe.
I think I am now very attentive to everything that comes out again on the website which is very well done. Thank you all, see you in the forum.