@GraemeE very interesting...I will have to check it out
Posts made by Inorganic
RE: Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
RE: Street Art…
@tody it would be difficult to impossible to find a dvd Buuut here is a link that we put up:
RE: Street Art…
@GraemeE & @tody - the quick story is that my friend, Nic, started a college project that snowballed into a full feature length documentary. We were both writing graffiti at the time in SF and it struck us as odd that there wasn’t a historical document of the subculture. So we decided to make it.
The movie aims to capture the history of how graffiti came about in SF from Latino gangs in the 70’s and then becoming its own thing through the decades. There are also some tragic stories in the movie, most notably would be that of TIE. He was killed by a home owner who had caught him coming down a fire escape. I didn’t realize it then, but the movie has captured interviews and art by folks who have passed away since its filming. In the crowd of this particular showing was the son of an artist, DREAM, who was murdered in Oakland. I found it profound to speak to him after the showing and learn how this movie captured his father.
I feel lucky and honored to have played a part in making this. It was a wild ride. I made plenty of friends through it, travelled to Europe for festival showings and most notably met my wife because of it.
RE: Street Art…
A bit of a thread revival. I was in SF with the fam for our 21st anniversary, to return to the place where our relationship began. I met my wife when I was making this documentary (Piece by Piece) and by chance it happened to be playing when we were in town (I found out the morning of the showing!). I couldn’t ask for a better way to show the movie to my son.
RE: Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
Just returned from a trip to SF to celebrate my 21st anniversary w/wifey. Amoeba gods were shining down on me and blessed me with 2 holy grails. Whilst out there I scored a tape that my buddy made.
RE: Thrift Store Scores
@SourPower solid score. Love the beat downs and patina that box has received over the years
RE: Hard Drinkers, Lets Drink Hard (Spirits, Liquors and Cocktails)
@mclaincausey a bottle of Fortaleza is akin to a bar of gold these days...haven't seen that in the PNW in about a year.
RE: Heroes (Buying/ Selling/Trading)
big up @robustbambi - I picked up a pair of Wesco Mr. Lou's from him and he was just sublime to deal with - fast shipping, great back and forth communication. Thank you again!!
RE: Books
@GraemeE i saw this at Powells and was tempted to pick it up but I might just give it a listen on Libby. You're enjoying it?
RE: Our Cars (dream or actual)
@SourPower yeah the 80 is hard to beat from the capability perspective and it's cozy to boot. Quite slow and relatively easy to work - luckily the following/community is quite robust and there is lots of data out there to devour. Last of the legendary front/rear solid axles. I wish we could get some of the Land Cruisers that are sold in the AUS market over here in the US.
RE: Our Cars (dream or actual)
@SourPower this is my 96 FZJ80 Land Cruiser. It is OEM triple locked and mostly stock - but an absolute beast. I am constantly in awe of how capable this rig is off the lot. I try to push it to its limits for camping, exploring and general shenanigans.
RE: Our Cars (dream or actual)
@SourPower that just warms my heart to read. when you have a rig like yours you gotta get out there and live. Given what you said it seems like you've chosen some smart mods: extra gas/water, winch.
RE: Ship John
@GraemeE beautiful work - really clever & stylish choices in the thread/fabric colours you ended up using. nicely done
RE: Our Cars (dream or actual)
@SourPower solid build - you getting out there and getting nasty with that thang? your rig def. deserves one of those 'This Toyota Fucks' stickers!! hahah
RE: WTB - UHF Pillow Cover
@Danimal506 OMG these are a thing?!? I would be sooo drenched in sweat sleeping on a UHF
@John-Galt i respect how many miles you seem to get out of your Wesco's. nicely done - I assume these are the Mr. Lous?