I've had my 25oz 666's for a few months now and I'm not a fan of what these jeans do beneath the knee. I think because of the thickness of the denim, the way they often settle is just a bit too baggy there. Is there anything that can be done about that? Is it possible to alter the jeans by giving them a slight taper below the knee? Seems like a specialty job due to the 25oz denim. I live in LA but I dont think self edge will do that type of work. Any thoughts here? I had them hemmed so that I need to cuff them about an inch but I never wear them like that as it really exaggerates this problem - I look at them like i'm wearing bell bottoms. Uncuffing makes it look a little better, but not great.
Also, i'm a size 38. I think the problem is more pronounced with the bigger sizes. I've gone through this whole thread looking at fit pics and I notice the effect on the fit pics with the bigger sizes. The slimmer-waisted jeans dont seem to do this as much.