Started July 17. Washed once one November 21.
Per jaco's request (a couple of SR pics in the Annie thread), here are the photos of repairs + gave them a wash this morning after stepping in a foot deep puddle/hole on Friday.
Picture overload.
Pocketbags re-stitched
And patch love. In desperate need of some conditioner, but will get some this week.
And as far as the holes, some aren't easy/worth fixing (the coin pocket for example), some I just don't care about fixing. Wabi-sabi. These turned a year old on the 7th. About 10.5 months or so of wear.
Snapped a couple of quick pics of my SRs. About two-three months effective wear. I haven't worn these in a while and they're on their way to Riffblaster who will give them the love/destruction they deserve.
I'm looking forward to busting the hell out of those IH/TW samples in return. I'm fairly certain he's taking them down under, so I'm excited for their continuing evo.
Jaco - I'll take some tomorrow. Self Edge did a great job
Beats - here you go!
Got these back from self edge last week. Almost a year wearing. Washed a handful of times
Was very excited to hang with the (in)famous iron heart crew.
Beats - you'll get the jellyfish, just takes practice!
this is going to be incredible. and Kybosh is an ANIMAL.
Incredible. Wow. Giving MJ a run for his money.
I'm thinking about getting rid of my SRs…I love them, but I can't tear myself away from my SExIH07s.
The pics from this trip make me want to meet/hangout with haraki and the crew even more!
One day I'll make it to japan!
Carhartt is a pretty great brand (from my experience). I've worn their jackets for a number of years and they're always affordable, warm and comfy. The only thing that put a dent into them was battery acid (but let's face it, not even IH can stand up to that, except polyester blends).
They're also one of the few big American companies that don't outsource everything. You can still find made in the US stuff if you loom for it.
I've wanted a pair if the rupees for a while, but never seem to find them.
G, your fit and Beatle's are the ones making me think I need a pair.
My 07s are a Sz 30 and literally I couldn't ask for a better fit. I was going to try on a 31 in the devil's at SENY, but they were out. Hopefully they restock soon