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Posts made by olblue
RE: Redline Rally Y3
@SamD holy hell! That thing is burning in to perfection
RE: Redline Rally Y3
@matt_rost I hear you on the sizing. Definitely fits more like a shirt. I like my slubby IH type 2 a lil bit better size wise (probably fits right over this one) but gives me an excuse to wear multiple jackets
RE: Redline Rally Y3
@matt_rost thanks buddy!!! Have become a big fan of TFH thanks to this puppy. Prefer the IH sizes but man this denim is kicking some ass
excited to see where you’re riders going…that’s a dream piece for me
RE: Redline Rally Y3
How it’s been hanging in the flat head
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@Denimhead-0 appreciated brother
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
you are too good my man. Thanks for keeping it real Mo
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
well boys I think I found my pair for next year…I think they’ll create “true vintage” fades
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@Davids_denim you smashed it my friend
damn fine pair. Guess the wind wasn’t blowing our way
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@Oaktavia @Davids_denim man in all honesty I’m stoked to make that 16. That’s a big deal for me. Last year getting 4th in the rally was unreal. My first year was top 100, this year top 50…made that goal
I’m pumped to be up there with fade legends…and I get the support from fade legends like yourselves…and in that regard I smashed my personal best. But thank ye, ain’t got nothing but love for yall
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
Big congrats to my boys who made that 10, I definitely saw some of you higher…but regardless of the judging yall are my champs @Jcaz6996 @32oz_denim @denim-dawg cheers boys
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@Davids_denim I’m going to second this notion. Have been listening to yall on the board and couldn’t agree more. For all transparency I saw this as a battle between James and Cade. Couldn’t be happier more for the folks who got it just cuz they’re some solid folks but overall the community lost on this one. I feel like that’s the overall disservice. Folks who truly love denim and see the art in it versuses judges who aren’t necessarily as convicted or appreciate what the overall community sees as the best of the best. @Jcaz6996 to me personally you were my overall…just want to say brother fucking solid beautiful pair of jeans.
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@Jcaz6996 congrats my man, proud to be in there with ya
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@jebrand well deserved buddy
RE: Redline Rally Y3
@matt_rost thanks brother
by the looks of that pale rider you’ll be in patina heaven before you know it. Love the piece and love what you’re doing to it
RE: Redline Rally Y3
@Mister_Brue thanks brother, be wearing these blues regardless
chore jacket is looking amazing my friend…gonna be a hard one to top
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@denim-dawg two pairs of jeans in one year
I can see the twinkle of madness in your eyes and I like it. Once again I bow my head to you dawggy! Superb!!!
RE: Indigo invitational Y4
@Gammaman absolute killers my man! between you, chuck, and the dawg it makes me really want to invest in a pair of these beasts! Well done