@Appfaff that is great. I love seeing families skating together.
I always skate indys, and have been using spitfire formula 4s for awhile. I like the Bones STF wheels as well.
I have been going through and identity crisis with decks. After coming back from an injury I haven't been able to find a new shape that I really like. What seems to be trendy now are these longer boards with a wider wheel base, huge square nose. That is the FA boards, quasi, and a couple other brands. I can't really skate those. Mostly I have been skating DLX boards. Usually Real 8.3-8.5 width. But still looking for something that feels good right now.
For cruising and messing around I have 9.25 Egg shaped board from Primitive. Some tricks are bit harder but the boards are super fun. Frank Vilani crushes with those things.