that second pic looks like the bullhide Take5 collab… theres denim bits on that boot that take it down several notches if you ask me. Gotta search around to find more pics that show them. Like the soles on those much more than the TFH collab though
Like Page 7 of this wife has got them, she will certainly disagree with you!
now what an insensitive lot to bother you before a long flight
just random images of dopeness.
here goes :
Really liking Vibergs ATM. May have to get a custom pair if I can unload a few of my current pairs…
put some OBenauf's on my Bobcat's & i love them more than ever. thanks zee for giving me the word many moons ago (i was just scared to do it >:()
images when i get a minute. you all know my weekends are ram packed with kids activites
Fweh, glad that worked out to your liking Monday. It can really change up (darken) leather sometimes. Mine started out really light and now look like this
Ok bad pic sure, but you get the point, they are feckin dark already. Anyway, glad your stoked on the way yours are looking Monday. -
a few pictures . . .
& no obnoxious commentary
demonito & zhivago thanks for the flicks.
zee we have to work on your pictures/ that was almost "what are you wearing today (pictureless version)" worthy