IHSH-20 Heavy Western Flannel
Seul, I have asked before but have never gotten a answer. Why is your collar curled like elf shoes? And yes, I am just jealous of the red…
somehow it´s a shame that just only 4 members (Beatle, Landon, Pete and Seul…Giles to make it 5!) posted some fitflicks of their 20s in this thread...
where all the others at?...
*yeah i`ve noticed that Malibu, Doug, Dr.Pat, Turntabloid, riffblaster & zhivago posted theirs as well...but nothing wrong with some more pics of this lovely shirt ain´t it!?
what size?
what color?
I've been trying to get one of these too for quite a while but never have money when my size is available!
what size you grabbed finn? got to ask with your recent experiences. . .
what size you grabbed finn? got to ask with your recent experiences. . .
grabbed XL in both of´em!…
I was hoping they were large, so I had a chance to cop!!!
XL in both of´em!…
what colors? that is an incredible snatch & grab, salute as your hunt ranking has gone up to master status. . . still got a while to go to catch up to jaco, but to be honest most of us do
wow, that is incredible.
what happened, none of my sufu folks put me on so i could snatch & grab
too be honest i haven't been much of a hunter as of late.
yeah that won't be happening anytime soon finn. you would have a better chance getting mauled by a polar bear & a rare flying penguin while having sex outdoors with your girlfriend, while urb & that llovane(sp) guy take pictures & post them in the forum under "what i was doing today" picture version of course.
true stroy