Photograph and Camera talk
Today I want to give you a look at my Rheinmetall Weltax. I got the cam from my grandfather. He bought it around 1958. It´s a medium format camera use rollfilm and produce 6x6 negatives. It´s real work to shoot with, because it´s full manual. The difficultest part is estimate the distance. But if you make it right, the camera produce wonderful pics.
Is this your Pentagon six on the avatar pic? Heavy stuff!!!
Chuck: no, that's a pic I ripped from an old Pentax 6x7 ad
I never had the Pentacon, but lots of my favorite pics on flickr have been shot with the Biometar. I had the Kiev 60 with a 50mm CZJ and 80mm Volna for a while, the russian equivalent. Yes, very heavy and the Kiev is unfortunately just as heavy as unreliable.
Here it is with the CZJ Flektogon:
I never had the Pentacon, but lots of my favorite pics on flickr have been shot with the Biometar. I had the Kiev 60 with a 50mm CZJ and 80mm Volna for a while, the russian equivalent. Yes, very heavy and the Kiev is unfortunately just as heavy as unreliable.
Here it is with the CZJ Flektogon:
I think Kiev 60 is the best camera ever made. I know it might be a little tricky (I have two bodies so it's more likely to have one working), but it really delivers awesome frames every time. By far the best MF to shoot with. I have 80mm, 120mm and 180mm Zeiss optics for it and the 50mm on WTB list.
Here's a set from Savonia I shot with it.
Oh, I already added you on flickr some time ago. Great frames! Were you using slide film in those pics? To me it has that "slide film" look.
I did like the results of the Kiev but not the hassle. For me it was a bit of a love and hate relationship (it probably is for every Kiev owner). The 50mm is awesome. Mine was mint, latest version and only fetched about 100€ on ebay when I sold it. Still a good deal for me because I found in a thrift store for 50€.
Go for it!
For some time I was contemplating buying another Kiev from but I think my next 6x6 (love that format!) will be a Bronica or a Mamiya C330. Hasselblad and Rolleiflex are out of my reach and the prices only go up, it seems.
Yes they are slide film, can't remember which though.
I have tried several other MF cameras too, but nothing is as simple to shoot as the Kiev 60. It's as easy to use as any 35mm SLR. I bought my second one from ebay and it was CLA'd after the factory.
I'd like to get a Mamiya 6 in the future. Mamiya 7 was excellent but square format is closer to my heart so I sold it. I have a Mamiya C220 which don't get much use, but the lens (blue dot) is nice. I have one of those Pentax 6x7s too you have in your avatar.
minus the cost factor.
now which would you pros purchase to publish photos of yourself on the internet, & from time to time just doing randomness, but again published on the internet:
Ricoh GR DIGITAL IV US 10 MP Digital Camera with 1x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD screen vs. Fujifilm X100 12.3 MP APS-C CMOS EXR Digital Camera with 23mm Fujinon Lens and 2.8-Inch LCD
thanks for the recommendations. holla you think the x100 would be overkill?
good two cents & thank you for chiming in.
i just did not want it to be only about the cost of the item as things tend to end up being when they are compared head to head. i also didn't want to have twenty cameras listed & asking which should i get