Photograph and Camera talk
Oh, I already added you on flickr some time ago. Great frames! Were you using slide film in those pics? To me it has that "slide film" look.
I did like the results of the Kiev but not the hassle. For me it was a bit of a love and hate relationship (it probably is for every Kiev owner). The 50mm is awesome. Mine was mint, latest version and only fetched about 100€ on ebay when I sold it. Still a good deal for me because I found in a thrift store for 50€.
Go for it!
For some time I was contemplating buying another Kiev from but I think my next 6x6 (love that format!) will be a Bronica or a Mamiya C330. Hasselblad and Rolleiflex are out of my reach and the prices only go up, it seems.
Yes they are slide film, can't remember which though.
I have tried several other MF cameras too, but nothing is as simple to shoot as the Kiev 60. It's as easy to use as any 35mm SLR. I bought my second one from ebay and it was CLA'd after the factory.
I'd like to get a Mamiya 6 in the future. Mamiya 7 was excellent but square format is closer to my heart so I sold it. I have a Mamiya C220 which don't get much use, but the lens (blue dot) is nice. I have one of those Pentax 6x7s too you have in your avatar.
minus the cost factor.
now which would you pros purchase to publish photos of yourself on the internet, & from time to time just doing randomness, but again published on the internet:
Ricoh GR DIGITAL IV US 10 MP Digital Camera with 1x Optical Zoom and 3-Inch LCD screen vs. Fujifilm X100 12.3 MP APS-C CMOS EXR Digital Camera with 23mm Fujinon Lens and 2.8-Inch LCD
thanks for the recommendations. holla you think the x100 would be overkill?
good two cents & thank you for chiming in.
i just did not want it to be only about the cost of the item as things tend to end up being when they are compared head to head. i also didn't want to have twenty cameras listed & asking which should i get
I'll chuck my 2 cents in here MM. I love having a rotating screen, this really helps when doing WAYWT type stuff….I have one on my Canon G12 and it is now effectively a requirement for any camera I buy (just bought a Canon G1 X)...
Canon G12 is what I use for WAYWT as well. Cheap hard working tough little camera. The swivel really helps out a lot.
i've a G12 as well G, but find my pictures really look horrible. for the most part i just point & press. keep my settings on auto & let the camera do all the work. no post production or any of that sort of stuff. any suggestions for a photography noob to make his images better?
I've never used a G12, but some general advice:
Try to use natural light and turn off the flash as often as possible. Keep the ISO setting low, I'm sure you can set a maximum ISO speed on your Canon. Check out the scene modes. some might work wonders in certain situations. I don't know how other people on this board do WAYWT, but I imagine a small tripod is quite useful too.
thank you. i will make sure i do a waywt picture today in your honor holla & following your general directions as best a mad man can.
nothing like specialized skills in a specific field
monday I would agree the x100 a bit overkill for waywt, i use my iphone 4 for almost all my pics cause it's always in my pocket and it does a good enough job
the x100 is a bit much for constant carry when I'm out and about, I only carry it when I know I'm going to be taking pics ie of the kids/family/place etc, it's a little too big to be pocketable and it's got a little heft cause the body is metal not plastic. plus its a prime lens 35mm field of view so no zoom
the AF is mediocre, takes some getting used to, not good for fast action, the upshot is a great lens and great image quality, excellent low light performance, pleasant color rendering, and a rangefinder like feel if you're into that. they're starting to pop up on the used market for a few hundred bucks of new if you're still considering, a lot of Leica-type guys bought them and a few don't like the quirks
my guess, you'd be happy with something more compact and a bit more versatile. just my thoughts
I don't know how other people on this board do WAYWT, but I imagine a small tripod is quite useful too.
I use a Gorillapod Magnetic, when I use one…