American Football (NFL)
Yep. I am excited to see how that pans out. After the time out of the league, who knows.
Yeah it could go either way. Moss SF Jersey…. Hmmmm
Pretty classic imo, no matter the outcome!
Also, eagerly anticipating how the the opening of free agency is going to pan out tonight and tomorrow.
Eagles need a linebacker!
Eh, I am kinda partial to him (plus I got his Jersey last year). I mean, he will forever live in my heart because of that walk off kick return on the Giants last year. All time favorite Eagles memory.
Eh, I am kinda partial to him (plus I got his Jersey last year). I mean, he will forever live in my heart because of that walk off kick return on the Giants last year. All time favorite Eagles memory.
There is a huge difference between good player and good person. Any player who acts as he did and continues to do, I will not pull for, fan or not.
I think it was all blown out of proportion and saying he is not a "good" person it way to subjective considering the ways of the media, but we will just have to agree to disagree. Besides, with Colston agreeing to a contract and Wallace at least receiving a tender, the pickins for wide receiver aren't so great now and the Eagles should be glad to have him for another year to see if he matured and can continue to play on at a high level.
I think it was all blown out of proportion and saying he is not a "good" person it way to subjective considering the ways of the media, but we will just have to agree to disagree. Besides, with Colston agreeing to a contract and Wallace at least receiving a tender, the pickins for wide receiver aren't so great now and the Eagles should be glad to have him for another year to see if he matured and can continue to play on at a high level.
Well, I'll say this, as a Panthers fan; it took Steve Smith awhile to grow up
Djax not going anywhere. Roseman and Banner love him.
Brandon Marshall to the Bears for two 3rd round picks. Could be a dangerous combo there, until it snows
This trade brings me hope. With Marshall gone I don't see Peyton going to Miami. I also don't see him playing outdoors in Mile High. Hopefully he comes to the Cardinals.
peyton doesn't like difficult guys, maybe miami is making space, reggie wayne is also a free agent, reggie and peyton are friends, reggie went to miami, peyton has a home in miami, they work out together in miami, just sayin
Honestly I didn't know Wayne was a free agent. That sucks. They could probably get Wayne for less than they were paying Marshall, too. I was actually thinking Miami would pick up Clark but he's not a Marshall replacement.
Oh well… A Cardinals fan can hope.
Isn't that really all a Cardinals fan has?
It's not easy being born and raised in AZ. All the local teams kinda suck at the moment.
The Cards do pre season training at NAU; I worked in their dorm over the summers when I was a student. I always felt sorry for the fans that hung around to watch practices, considering how much they sucked. Ownership and management was an astonishing collection of pricks, too.
It's official, Peyton to Denver.