SExIH07IIIBK (Self Edge x Iron Heart Type III Modified)[OG]
OK, here's what I think. Kiya and Giles are business men. They're clever business men. They're going to do whatever they need to do to get people excited as hell, and to buy IH shit ! That's their job. They're honest, up-and-up guys for sure…but I think what Till was responding to was my statement about SEXIH07 hypermania. Till's mistake was not in expressing his opinion (which I always value) but rather, in not reading the thread thoroughly and jumping to conclusions. But I agree with Till about one thing -- the whole limited run strategy of higher dollar SEXIH07 products is a marketing strategy ! And it is one which apparently works damn well -- so well in fact, that I don't trust myself to set foot into SE SF this month ! I don't blame Kiya for implementing it one bit. He's enticing why not ? That is exactly what he's supposed to do ! Whether we want to cave in or not as customers is our own issue -- not to be blamed on Kiya or Giles !
Kiya, Salaam! I wasn't doubting your business practices, as others suspected. I just meant to point out that it is strange to have two conflicting (logically) statements right next to each other. I did figure that the Sold Out sign is a default thing. I think it's great to put the info for the product up before the product goes on sale. But I also think the Sold Out sign can backfire. Imagine somebody would want the jacket. He then reads that it will be released soon. On the other hand it says sold out. So then one of the conclusions he could draw is that there are so many "reservations" that the product is already factually sold out. He then might not even try to buy it even though it is in stock. So I wasn't implying that it is an uncouth marketing strategy but one that can backfire, like the red dots in a gallery. Marketing is all about manipulation so there is no reproach to be made in and of itself. In this case it wasn't even marketing but a default software problem that could actually get in the way of marketing.
As for your comments, Lando, you sure sit on a hair trigger. Sorry to have startled you. I'd have thought somebody who wears such heavy jeans has a thicker skin. Peace, bro! And the jacket does look very good on you, indeed.
I love IH products as much as anyone and have never doubted them. Especially, I don't see where I doubted Haraki-San. But even if I did do so, I'd still be grateful for bringing out some of the most special denim products on the world market and having a great sense of style. I just wouldn't put him in a God-like position and I am quite sure he'd be too modest to be put in such a position.
I want to learn as much about IH products (and there is a lot to learn) as possible. That and the fact that I already bought some products and will most likely buy more should prove the point. In fact, I was really sorry to have missed the black overdye jeans. Necessity makes for creativity which is why I had the idea to do it myself. I haven't had the time yet, though.
As far as pricing strategy goes, fashion products are often seen as so-called Veblen goods. His theory of the leisure class and conspicuous consumption are must reads for anyone dealing in the luxury product sector, as is Pierre Bourdieu's "Distinction".
In my own purchasing decisions I try to be as rational as possible. That may be a contradiction in terms but I try. So when there are a number of products that I really like or desire, I compare them. The one that wins gets my money. So there is a price-value calculation that everyone has to decide for him/herself. When I give examples of other products it is in that spirit and I am just thinking out aloud. I also think that it makes perfect sense even for the most die-hard fanboy of IH to be informed of what else is on the market and what might look great together with IH gear. I also reckon that the members here are highly fashion conscious and very conscious of the image they give. So when I warn of the jeans suit, it is from experience. I tried and wouldn't want any of my fellow IH lovers to be exposed to the same ridicule. But, that again is subjective. On Lando the jeans suit might look fantastic and on me like crap. It's just good to be aware of the possibility that it might look not so hot. I can only hope that this caution is seen as constructive the way it intended to be seen.
Yikes! I hate to defend myself for rational and benevolent posts because of misunderstandings or hurt feelings. If one cannot think critically or voice criticism in the face of brand loyalty this stuff is too serious for me.
Cheers to all,
…so back to this jacket
are the hand pockets lined with...canvas? denim? -
But I agree with Till about one thing – the whole limited run strategy of higher dollar SEXIH07 products is a marketing strategy !
I get quite worked up when i read this on forums. This couldn't be further from the truth.
We have to meet minimums, let's say the minimum order of jeans is 150, and let's say that costs a store about $30,000. We have to pay that all at once, to successfully run a business you should be able to flip that product within a certain number of days. Once we sell out, if we want more we have to order another 150 pairs.. you see where this is going? It's limited because factories have order minimums, so if it's a custom product for one store it can't always be in production unless you're a large corporation which can have very large sums of money tied up in stock of a SINGLE product. -
well - I would assume it's the same material as the jeans pocket bags…Lando - do u agree
I also reckon that the members here are highly fashion conscious and very conscious of the image they give. So when I warn of the jeans suit, it is from experience. I tried and wouldn't want any of my fellow IH lovers to be exposed to the same ridicule. But, that again is subjective. On Lando the jeans suit might look fantastic and on me like crap. It's just good to be aware of the possibility that it might look not so hot. I can only hope that this caution is seen as constructive the way it intended to be seen.
Jeans suit aka the Canadian tuxedo. Hard to pull off indeed. Sure I wouldn't be able to. I'll stick to leather jackets.
Thanks for your posts Till. Don't let anyone deter you from giving us your point of view at any time!..
Being a forum, the good and bad and our likes and dislikes regarding Iron Heart should be freely discussed.
Since Giles obviously has a financial stake in the brand, I give him lots of credit for operating an open forum where negative comments could potentially harm his business.
Being a forum, the good and bad and our likes and dislikes regarding Iron Heart should be freely discussed.
Since Giles obviously has a financial stake in the brand, I give him lots of credit for operating an open forum where negative comments could potentially harm his business.
DrPat. Thanks. Yes, sometimes I cringe when I see a post, but on balance I'd like to hear the negativity and try and address it (if poss), than let it fester in the ether. And I consider all feedback useful, I think it will serve to make me, and Iron Heart as a whole, better at giving you all what you want and how you want it. And if we can't, then crap we shouldn't be doing this in the first place…..
WARNING - Sorry for the upcoming novel. If you only care about the SExIH07BKIII and think that this other conversation is trash… Please proceed to the next comment. Cheers!
shub - Thank you for all of your compliments, but this "hypermania" you speak of surrounding the Overdyed products is a bit of a stretch IMO. Everyone who is on this forum should by now be aware that collaborations of any type are going to be limited runs. You either like the item and purchase it or you don't. Also IMHO.
You are great by the way! I enjoy the smiles and general cheerfulness you bring to the forum!
tfar - I do have a short temper, but this was not an instance of that at all. For your information, I am neither startled nor do I have thin skin. Thank you for the compliment of the fit of the jacket and peace to you my brotha! As for the comment about putting Haraki-San in a "God-like position", I have never projected anything to that effect. I may have jokingly said things about "not being worthy" and what not, but I do not look at any man in that light.
I am excited to see the outcome of home version of the Overdye process! What denim/ ink/ process were you planning on using or have you not gotten that far?
Despite what some may think, I do enjoy EVERYONES opinions on this forum. I also use comparison shopping when making decisions on purchasing pretty much anything unless I am being rushed in a store buying a water and some gum. You catch my drift. So please don't think that I am referring to that.
This is the quote that "bothered" me.
@tfar:Anyways, really nice looking jacket. Looks very similar to an old Lee I have from the 80s. For the price though, or a bit more, you can get into a Schott or Aero leather jacket or into a nice Filson wool cruiser. Both would look equally good with jeans or perhaps even better. I always felt that a jeans suit is really hard to be pulled off and worn correctly, that is without looking ridiculous, especially in an urban environment. You do what you want on the ranch in Montana.
I feel like you are kind of shitting on the thread by stating this. It seems to me that there is a better way to go about recommending alternative products. For instance you could start a thread called "Alternatives to Denim Jackets" or something along those lines, you could PM the other member with a recommendation, or even post in a previously started thread that is more specific to your topic. These are just my ideas and thoughts on how to go about this particular issue.
And by the way, there is nothing wrong with a Canadian Tuxedo (No disrespect)! As for being ridiculed??? That has not happened since I was in grade school. I wear what I like and FTW if they don't like it.
All that being said, PLEEAAASSSSSEEEEEE let's get back to denim, and Iron Heart Denim at that! -
One more thing. Kiya and LandoCal – thanks for clearing up my understanding of limited run collaborations. I misunderstood...and I thank you for correcting me. Don't get me wrong. I'm salivating over the SEXIH07BK products. Seriously. I'm dying over here, cuz they're insanely lovely.
I don't mean to re-open a wound here‚ but as I have never been involved in a forum before‚ what is the etiquette of does and don'ts ? I have no 'axe to grind' on the earlier banter but I hope we have not lost any valued members due the exchange of opinions. As we say England "it's just a storm in a tea cup" !