Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
That's what I do, but its not ideal
I had a mishap with a shirt trying to cut the tag off too close with scissors that were too fat and I cut through the shirt.
I do not want to risk cutting through an IH shirt if I don't have to…and screen-printing is nice and versatile inside shirts.
its just "in hope of" doesn't have to be done.
Military style chinos made with the 16oz SBG fabric used on the 08sbg.
…with a 36in inseam. -
Has a western shirt with saw tooth pocket flaps ever been mooted?
How about a natural/off-whiteish version of the IH-36?
And while I'm thinking about button downs, I think workshirts in herringbone, hickory stripe and possibly wabash could be viable sellers.
My Crazy Ideas…
Over dyed 527J..
Inspired from ooe yofukuten, and 16oz duck is perfect for bags!! :
16oz Brown Duck Messenger Bag, hickory messenger bag.
16oz duck shoulder bag
16oz duffel bag, with leather shoulder strap.Slim straight 16oz duck pants.
16oz duck VestIron Heart Leather Bracelet (natural) + Silver hardware.
21oz Black Denim Trucker/Baseball caps -
2526J in 16oz black duck …
IHSH-08 western cut using 16oz denim from IH-808/809
IHSH-08 western cut using 16oz brown duck ...... and 2526J in blue duck used in one of these vests:
IHD-01 (or something close to it) with oil pull leather western accents.
the above items look so great, hope the arm holes aren't too wide for me to make them work once they go into full on prodution
Military Duffel Bags made of either of these but preferably the Green.
New 21.9oz Olive and Khaki - too be used for definite in next run of cargo pants…
Duck the world mother fuckers, duck the world.
the 13.5oz TW denim is great, not unsanforized, but rivals the fading properties of TFH, and is coming (I believe) in a 634s cut.
Besides the high contrast fade what other characteristics of the SR denim are you speaking of? Of course the heft and stiffness is impossible in a denim so much lighter.
I've had two pair of the TW since one is a little small around the waist. I don't really think you can compare the the three denims except to compare them. The color (almost) and feel don't translate between the TW and SR and the FH color and feel are also much different. Obviously the heft and stiffness are a product of the SR weight, but the color, fade and feel may translate into a lighter denim.