Craft Works - Let's Get Creative!
what do you mean, finn? You don't get my descriptions, or you don't get the work?
My descriptions are short because I'm just putting this up here so there's something nice to look at. I can explain it better, but I didn't want to fill the thread with a bunch of words. I would like to help if there's something you'd like to know.
with so many things a lot is lost when you just see an image on your phone/computer screen (1st thing that comes to mind are the clothing i buy from an online vendor in the uk). in any event thanks for posting the images & sharing your process with us adam. i've heard artistic types are a tortured bunch & it takes a lot for them to share their creations (don't want to stereotype or anything but if that is the case wanted you to continue to share).
the term "writing" makes it a bit hard for me to understand i have to say…
"Writing": here I'm using only my signature (ironic given yesterday's "restocks" discussion), but on others I write different words. I write my signature over and over on both sides of the line. I continue to do this on each line. When its finished, the words blend together and its only the angle of the strokes that you can see, almost like there's a grain to the paper, spiraling into the center. And you can see the paper starting to ripple from the force of the cursive handwriting. Multiply this process several hundred times and you have ONE of the pieces of paper that I have posted here.
The last one is so beautiful! I never see something like that before, very unique style and technique. Do you study arts?
Do you study arts?
Yes i do, but I came up with this method on my own outside of school. Very few artists work in colored pencil, and those that do mostly practice photographic realism (or copying a photograph, in other words)- look at In retrospect, I wish I would've spent my university tuition on IH gear.