IHSH-25 - Short Sleeved Mechanics Shirts
no solid colorways , Giles ? gotta built me a potato cannon and open up fire****
5 flannels in next few weeks. One of the colours is top left of header above.
3 new mini herringbones some time April. One of colours on right of header above.
Heavy chambray workshirt
Also I am prototyping a work shirt in the same fabric as this:
And more….........
I would proudly wear it at Inazuma !
Beatle, you are going this year? So jealous! My hopes are not completely gone about making it out this year… And I really want to see the SS SuperBlack happen!!! Also, any hope on getting a SS Cotton Duck Shirt?
OK, I give up. I have asked Haraki to do me a run….................G
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must have helped that I slept in my IHSH-08 last night.
Will the short sleeve super-black be a lighter weight than the long sleeve?
I would actually prefer something a bit lighter than 16oz for summer wear.
16oz or more… "Anything less would be uncivilized!"