Random questions to which you seek an answer
Also, taking Adams point about keeping the shirt buttoned, you always have to keep in mind that H makes clothing primarily with bikers in mind, hence "Iron Heart - Motorcycle Specialities".
Snaps are a little more practical for some of the shirts, and (bottom line) simply more popular I would bet.
I would say H adds snaps on the shirts to give us a break after trying to button our jeans…it's called sympathy. On a serious note buttons would not last period on some of the heavy fabrics H uses. I personally think the answer u were seeking was common sense. Kinda like why wheels on a car are round.
Thanks for all your answers gents. Having not owned any of the heavy shirts, I'd not understood it was based/rooted in utility/wear/tear that buttons wouldn't be able to handle.
Guess it leaves the question of why western? Not sure how it folds into the motorcycle image, 2 very different time periods on mostly different sides of the law.
@Seul, yup, wearing one as I speak, and speaking of which, inbound PM for TWSH-04
I think the choice of westerns is simply that a) Haraki likes them and b) they sell well. I'm not sure that there is any deeper thought process to it than that.
We should also remember that while Iron Heart has its basis in motorcycle gear, it isn't strictly a biker brand. Again, Haraki makes what he likes. Of course, I could be wrong about all of that, after all, I have no greater insight into Iron Heart than anyone else here.
H's preference is for snaps. He likes to be able undo and do up easily when wearing gloves. But he does take a lot of input from me. Last time I was in Hachioji he showed me new shirting fabrics, discussion went exactly like this:
G: Western or work?
H: You choose
G: Buttons or snaps?
H: You choose -
The insight into your working relationship is quite beautiful in its simplicity G
I suppose that leads to a follow up question, Giles. Do you have a preference on the western/workshirt and buttons/snaps debate?
Fair enough. Does one style sell better than the other? Or is it more dependent on the fabric?
Very interesting. I was sure/expecting there was a conscious intent to evoke the US styled jingoism that cowboys and indians is known for bring about. @G, I wonder if you love for Western clothing comes from a childhood of watching westerns?
Thanks for being such an open and friendly bunch. I was expecting slightly aggressive replies, due to the nature of questioning direct aspects of the brand. Nothing like it in the world, #respect.
The insight into your working relationship is quite beautiful in its simplicity G
I agree, it's really amazing how something that could be so complicated is stripped to it's most pure form.
What I've learnt is that I'm going to have to try these snaps out, thank you :).
I really don't find anything particularly western (cowboy theme) about IH. Maybe more of a 30s-70s workwear aesthetic if anything. For the most part IH is just regular clothing made extremely well with ultra high quality fabric. Sure there are some peices that may look kinda vintagey, but I can wear all IH and most people won't even know that I have nice shit on, which is what I love about IH. And I don't ever feel like I just walked out of a cowboy movie.
Unpacking winter wardrobe and my wife laughs every time I put this jacket on. Is it really that bad?
Vintage Pendleton Coat
Um, you should probably listen to your wife…