New York - October 2012
Hotel problems sorted, budget slaughtered, new hotel is fucking sweet though. Thank you everyone for you help and concern
Awesome dinner today with Landon and Shane, great Southern style pulled pork sandwich from a place Shane knows, followed by a visit to a thrift store and Tokio 7.
Just chilling for an hour before getting ready for tonight's pre-party drinks. Tommy is happy as he has been to Toys R Us and spent a fortune, Pam is happy as she now has a beautiful, clean executive room rather than a (literally) cockroach infested shit pit, and I am happy because I have new boots, my family is in a safe establishment, and I'm heading out to meet up with old friends and new
Who' going tonight?
your kid is the coolest kid i have ever seen. well done mate
Great updates!
Thanks guys, one last thing is that I now have wifi in the Hotel. I'll be heading out in a couple of hours to take Tommy and Pam up to the Gershwin for Wicked, then grabbing a cab down to the pre-party, but feel free to iMessage away now
Sweet, does it come in Irish Whiskey and cigarette?
See you tomorrow Mike.
Off to attempt to get a cab for tonight, thankfully this time I will have the assistance of a quality bell man.
See you all tomorrow
And Hair Of The Dog is hopping.
You know it's a party when Gon and Sarina show up.That's RP rocking the Big Blue, by the way…
I have never wanted to be in a picture so fecking bad!!! You guys are awesome, thanks for the updates! Keep posting, it is so much fun for the rest of us!!!
Had to shit out early tonight, but it was amazing to meet everyone. I thought it may be weird to meet so many "friends" from the internet, but it was completely comfortable because everyone was so cool.
Good night