New York - October 2012
Awesome pics everyone, thanks for bringing all us who didn't make it along for the ride. Looks like it was a night for the record books for sure!
The agave nectar makes it go down smoooooth…:D
i got to punch G in the gut a few times & give the MADame a huge hug & a kiss so I am very pleased with myself. all that couldn't attend were missed & well wish were sent your way by all.
oh & the Boss & SidneyLo asked me about my jeans so I'm over the moon. . . . maybe that was me with the fruity drinks
what else . . . oh that wabash workshirt the MADame is wearing I am sold on. Will purchase on the strength of seeing her wearing it in person
**as a side note d666 is a feckin' bear of a man, i kept sizing him up figuring out what we would have to do if we had to carry him
I love Der666's look. It was one of the ones that really inspired me to get bit by the IH bug. I loved seeing him rocking such solid look in NYC.
also very cool…if you look on my wrist you can see me sporting the leather bracelet Haraki gave as gifts to those in attendance. i'll be putting up shots on my instagram cause i didn't carry a camera to the event. i did however manage to "borrow" Giles cam a few times throughout the night to photobomb.
what else . . . oh that wabash workshirt the MADame is wearing I am sold on. Will purchase on the strength of seeing her wearing it in person
**as a side note d666 is a feckin' bear of a man, i kept sizing him up figuring out what we would have to do if we had to carry him
True and True.
Me and Tommy are currently sat in McDonalds on the 7th floor of Macy's. I have a headache, Tommy has toys, Pam is on a shopathon, FML
Oh shit Mike, I just spat Dr Pepper all over Macy's
for Mega & Alex:
DougNg is my Jackie Chan as i am his ___________
pretty sure there is a video with the two of us making Dolphin yelps & hugging in sheer joy
Sal, that was AWESOME!!! Thanks for making my day!!! [had to really fight the urge to insta-quote all of those. Would have been so funny… me!]
Thanks I wish I would have took more than I did. I actually have a few more but thought they were to much of the same pic. As for insta-quoting them that would have been funny to me as well
I have to say last night was honestly one of the more fulfilling nights iv had in quite some time. I walked around with a smile from ear to ear all night.
Random pics from family shopping/ hangover day.
I would feel a bit of a tit riding this bike.
^love these guys, you don't get a more genuine family
^love these guys, you don't get a more genuine family
U got that right.
Derivative u are a great guy urself. We had such a good time with u. Thanks for lunch.