Rivet and Hide
Thanks for the photos, Mega.
Love the shot of Giles -
Yeh, but she's probably going to punch me for putting her pics all over the internet and fucking with her low profile, ha ha.
Was great to join the fun, as G said we wished we could’ve stayed longer. Great seeing Beats, Patch, Mega and Mini, and of course lovely to meet Anders and others, and of course our lovely hosts Danny and Junior. And my nephew, Winchy (about time you started posting more!) Thanks again for a super evening.
Neither here nor there, but, please let me draw your attention to that well worn IHSH-52 sleeve Beats has hanging out there.
I was actually feeling the fabric when we were surprised by a midget with a camera
G, the last time we went off topic face to face, it resulted in it being the early hours of the morning and more alcohol being consumed than was originally planned
There's a surprise
In case anyone is confused I have graciously been allowed to change use my real name in the thread. So goodbye Indigoskin and hello Danny RnH. As I am the voice for the store it makes sense.
I was actually feeling the fabric when we were surprised by a midget with a camera
Yeah, after I reposted it I thought it looked like you were squeezing on it a little.
Thanks all for such a great night
I can't decide on what looks best… Those drinks (beer?..) or those shirts...
I think those drinks are espresso martini.
Yo, I love coffee but that RJB red houndstooth rules all.
Yo, I love coffee but that RJB red houndstooth rules all.
Coffee is a transitory pleasure. An RJB shirt is forever.
Wish I'd got a few more of the larger sizes as they were a big hit at the party. I'll know for next time.