Iron Heart Meetups
Sounds like a really nice party/sales event. I just wonder they don't even have some pairs of really desirable jeans in the raffle. I mean you gotta purchase an item to even be entered and all you get is a $100 gift certificate IF you are lucky? At least have some really desirable $400 pairs of jeans in there if the entry price is as high as a purchase at SE. I know it's for the camaraderie and all and not for the prizes but it still seems a bit lame for lack of a better word not to have more attractive prizes, especially since the $100 certificate goes right back into their cash register and is possibly accompanied by some additional money to stem a bigger purchase. I guess I'm too thrifty for that kinda stuff.
I like to visit London someday and the meetups. I like to visit other country too and my favourite TV channel is , the discovery channel, "travel and living " and Globe Trekker and Ian Wright is funny .
And also from that discovery channel is also where i first saw the Iron Heart jeans and the Boss on the "Jeans Confidential ". -
I believe it is called "Blue Jeans Confidential". I may be wrong. I can't view the video at the moment but am working on finding the video as I am sure Beats is as well, to post here…
Article: -
Save the weight on personal hygiene items - toothbrush is all you need - we can supply gorgeous lotions and potions. How heavy is Vinneus? Could you pack him instead, to sort G and me bad hair?
Screw that, show up naked with just a toothbrush…that way you can fit one more outfit on yourself as well as all the stuff in your duffel
G and I need sort this, should be able to come back with firm date and venue within the next week or so…
Looks like I am gonna have to make it out to England in July! Better start looking for flights…
It is getting close… See you all there!
I have to go to a wedding that weekend. Damn.
I have to go to a wedding that weekend. Damn.
Send a and IH gift and attach a card saying "Wish you were here!"