Was an amazing evening, thank you! Was great seeing loads of people enjoying themselves so much (on and off stage!)
And - sad as it may sound - I was thinking “I actually know a couple of these guys” (ageing Converge groupie)
Hahaha Paula…. You are by far my favorite groupie.
She’s too intense. I’m a much less demanding groupie… at least for the time being...
The redhead has also been wearing the same clothes everyday. So ….. Eww.
You didn't see how sweaty she got
more worship at the font…
sound by GSE from kowloon walled city ( cast a wide net w/ the hardcore tag )
http://kowloonwalledcity.bandcamp.com/album/container-ships -
That was a fun one!
Wow, thanks so much for posting those links Nate, I really enjoyed reading those. Both Ian M and Rollins were huge influences on me through my teens and early twenties and those interviews do a good job of shedding light on their dynamic. Cheers!
Music to my ears. Literally:
Modern Life Is War returns
ever been listening to the misfits and thought "what the fuck is glen singing about?"
wonder no more