Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand - February 2013
Saw this on Ky's facebook album.
Like it very much as this seat and the food laid out reminds me of our Friday nights in Tuckshop every week.Haraki-san updated on his blog thus far, -
Damn, Rudi's place looks frikkin awesome, must visit.
I think Haraki and Tom deserve new bikes.
Triumph x Iron Heart, anyone?
I just got a text from G saying that Sarina entered the beer drinking contest at the party this evening, I want photos!
Yes, a sloppy drunk Sarina needs to be enshrined in pictures. Perhaps we should have had a drinking contest at the NYC party. On second thought, the stinking lawyers would have killed that idea.
By lawyers do you mean RP?
Plus, it would have been pointless. Too many Americans
Nah, RP's a good bloke.
And to make it fair to us Americans, you could just get a six pack head start.
Hmm, maybe two six packs for you.
Wife beater ???
haha. i cant recall if people like stella artois. i cant stand it. awful beer