SEXIH18 -Self Edge x Iron Heart - The Final Denim Jacket
I was concerned with the sizing as well. I took blackfrosts advice and sized up to a 44 (xxl) and I don't wear xxl in anything. I'm really glad I did because any smaller would be too small.
Looks spot on sir!
It's really warm. I usually just wear a tshirt underneath, but I live in AZ so more than that really isn't necessary. Other people have said it was almost too warm. I don't think I would go that far, but I certainly won't be able to wear it in the summer (at night).
I'd say its a VERY warm jacket to wear with just a long sleeve T…I've yet to wear it with just a t-shirt.. Too damn cold here... But it would be a perfect fit/look with just a T... I usually wear a thermal top, and a hoodie, and I'm good for my winterwear/fit...
Damn does that look perfect! I am impressed by your restraint.
Definitely. Looks perfect. Congrats!
Looks great. Not helping my willpower at all! Especially up here in Minnesota where it would get use most of the year, it's a tempting option.
Aye hexdrin, looking killer!