IHSH-70 - Heavy Herringbone Flannel Western (Red, Grey and Sax)
Ordered a red L, had an M before which was perfect in p2p, sleeves and shoulders, but a bit too short and narrow around the bottom hem, crossing my fingers this one will work! Love that fabric!
Man, wish a couple xxxl's showed up. Missed out on this one
Backed. It's like wearing a soft baby blanket. -
Looking good my man
Monday, that color is so good.
thanks gents.
current best fitting IH shirts for me are the 70s
Me too. Plus, its so soft, it feels like wearing pajamas.
tried to flip it, but you know . . .
My red was supposed to arrive Saturday. Don't make me go postal, USPS!
wish i could pick a favorite color, but i actually wear & like all of them pretty much the same. oddly enough it really comes down to the way this shirt fits me & the fact that the 3 colors are so different.
*random madmonday moment
out of all the things put out the herringboners have become my IronHeart weakness -pause- hahahahahaha.
the less brushed on the outer the better & the Big H really needs to revisit Flannel workshirts like he did for Self Edge, just tweak the sizing abit to work for me better. purely selfish reasons. once I hit the Power Ball I'll commision a few one of things . . . -
Mr. Postman came bearing a gift by way of GimpKid. This is my first IH flannel. I sure hate having to put this one away until Fall.
If IH made a full body PJ with a hatch in this fabric I'd probably wear it to bed. A robe would also do the trick. So soft.
Mr. Postman came bearing a gift by way of GimpKid. This is my first IH flannel. I sure hate having to put this one away until Fall.
If IH made a full body PJ with a hatch in this fabric I'd probably wear it to bed. A robe would also do the trick. So soft.
Ahh! You're making me regret selling it!
It deserves to be worn, though. And it's looking good.
Thanks brotha–at least you've made me a very happy dude, will cherish this one in the frigid fall/winter/spring up here