Anyone here play video games?
You won't be disappointed with Infinite. Made by the same team that did Bioshock 1 and a strong, early runner for game of the year IMHO.
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- topic:timeago-later,2 months
Probably one of the most amazing videos having to do with a video game campaign to date. I hope the game delivers.
^gay however I am psyched about the Halo series. I think PS4 is going to own this next generation.
I think exactly the opposite, d666. In my eyes, Microsoft has a much more compelling package out-of-the-gate. The hardware specs are basically identical, but the XBOX can do a lot more. Microsoft won this current generation, and took a big leap forward in being the ultimate entertainment hub of our living room. Their recent partnerships will help, too.
Sony is betting big on cloud gaming and socially sharing game highlights. I have no interest in either.
If I had to fork out cash for one, as of today, it's XBOX all the way. I have owned a 360 and a PS3 since they each launched, and while I agree the PS3 is vastly superior in terms of hardware, it's software is lagging. I really don't get the fanboyism, either. Sorry Arabit, but saying you have never touched an XBOX immediately voids your argument. That's like saying you've never touched a pair of IHs, but you know Sammies are better.
I will argue this statement IMO PS destroys XBOX when it comes to exclusive titles. Yes, MS has Halo, GOW and Left 4 Dead but come on that's nothing compared to Uncharted, Infamous, God of War, Resistance, Killzone the list goes on & on. BTW I have all 3 systems and am not a fanboy of any.
Won't argue with either of you on exclusive titles. I'm not much of a Halo guy, either. For this current gen., I definitely prefer the PS3. I think the XBOX One looks more promising, as a piece of hardware, based on the initial presentations. We'll see how it goes.
d666, what do you think of the Wii U now that you've had it for a bit?
WiiU sucks unfortunately. If I am anything it is a Nintendo fanboy and unfortunately feel very let down by their latest and afraid last offering. Zelda has far as I am concerned is the greatest franchise in gaming history. Time will tell for WiiU still waiting on Zelda, Metroid, Smash Brothers, Pikmin before I make my final decision on the console. Nintendo destroys when it comes to portable gaming have both Vita and 3Ds and I will admit Vita is far superior technology wise if I have one of them on me 9 times out of 10 it's my 3ds. Doesn't get much better than portable Ocarina of Time "best game of all time"
glad to see the debate over the next gen consoles has begun. gonna say that i did not like Sony's presentation when it came out, but i was equally not thrilled by the Kinect heavy xbox one presentation. E3 will be where i feel the decision will become clear for me. I'm not sure which i would jump at first, but seeing as my trophy level in the PSN is higher than my gamerscore on XBL, i might go with PS4 initially (pending price and, again, the presentation at E3).
I was really hoping the MS presentation was going to floor me and get me interested in the new xbox, but there was much too high an emphasis as it being a multimedia box with emphasis in kinect and not enough gaming focus this reveal. Maybe it's just me, but i never needed my 360 to help me with my fantasy football point totals. Either way, i believe they will both be promising machines and cannot wait until june.
I was kinda disappointed with the Xbox One presentation. I want a console that focuses on gaming, not a multimedia console. In addition the current X360 has nowhere near as good an offer in Europe when it comes to mulitimedia as it has in the US, and I suspect it will be the same with the new XBO. Anyways, I have an old laptop that works great for mulitimedia.
And I have absolutely no interest in a need to be always connected to Kinect (kinected?) Xbox. Just give me a good hand controller. I am old school dagnabbit!
There is also the problem that games are tied to your account and if you borrow a disc from a friend you have to pay (full price?) to play it on your account. I am sure Microsoft has made it so to discourage second hand buying and selling of games, but it’s just not gamer friendly. And then there is the need to at least be connected to the net at least once a day…
So, I’m definitely going to buy the PS4, which seem to be a much more gamer oriented console. I might buy the XBO if it has some must have exclusives, like Mass Effect. And I’m not even considering the Wii U.
On another topic: I agree with derivative666 and Qinhan. Play Bioshock Ininite!
WiiU is and will be the last real console out there. PS4 and X-Bone are just mid-end gaming computers imho.
I use my WiiU when I have some spare time, but mostly play Wii Games on it as I never had a Wii. Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Xenoblade, etc. I am quite a Nintendo-fanboy but feel let down by N for not putting out some real exclusives in the first few months of the consoles life. The new VC is great and I think it's cool that the titles run in 60Hz-mode now, Super Metroid on the gamepad is amazing. Still I wouldn't mind a new Mario or Zelda. Hopefully the new Mario-title will really come out at the end of this year, Nintendo Direct or E3 will tell us more (hopefully). Pikmin 3 will be released during summer holidays as well, never played the part 1 or 2, but the concept really looks like a lot of fun.
I don't really see a point in owning a PS4 or X-Bone early in their lifecycles unless some nice games are released, as I have quite a decent gaming rig.
Cannot stop playing Minigore 2 on my iPad
- topic:timeago-later,23 days
Anyone else playing The Last of Us? Finding it to be so good… going to try and platinum this game - probably one of the most realistic games I've ever played. Smart AI, realistic and grisly violence, meaningful dialogue - and some of the best graphics I've ever seen, for real.
Haven't even tried the multiplayer yet but this will likely be one of my new go-tos.
Once I'm done with this in a few months I'm feeling a return to Borderlands 2 for another playthrough and some of the better DLC.
Just traded in my Xbox 360. I was new to the Xbox thing. Loved Halo but, nothing else really tickled my fancy tried some left 4 dead and gears of war. Got $270 store credit. $100 down on PS4 and bought Last of Us, Black Ops 2, Ni No Kuni and some Super Hero Squad game for Jake. I could never get used to the 360 controller and I am not a fan of Microsoft. I guess when all is said and done. I am a Nintendo fanboy and I really like playstation.
Best part was throwing on some COD and getting back to my old form immediately. Love ps controller my K/D ration 1.95 on PS, on 360 it was .56
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