Random Rants
I'm fine with that one Chris! the night was dope and that's all that counts…losing a thing or two is totally fine with me!
Happy 30th to your bro :)! :). Great to hear you're settling down. I enjoy your food updates even if I don't comment or like. The healthy Finn has less hassles
"thanks!" from me bro wade! and yeah, the healthy Finn has less hassles and looks and feels 100% better and stronger as the old me! def. NOT gonna stop after those magical 30 days…paleo 4 life!
No, it's not the insult that you seem to think that I seem to think it is
You were complimenting me on my lack of Texan-ness?
No, on your ability to seamlessly blend with the locals despite your penchant for effeminate avatar pictures.
As a monarchist living in the decay of an empire at least a century past its prime, I can't expect you to understand the sometimes messy glory that is democracy in action. Let my avatar be the beacon that guides you to enlightenment.
As a citizen of a country who elected George W Bush …twice.....I would expect you to know that votes can be rigged
As a citizen of a country who elected George W Bush …twice.....I would expect you to know that votes can be rigged
So true
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Rigged? Are you some tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy crank? Occam's Razor, dude- all other things being equal, the simplest answer is the correct one. Americans are deeply, deeply stupid.
And IH forum members have a perverse sense of humor…
I think it was rigged, particularly the second one. Greg Palast did some interesting dissection of the numbers and there are some extreme anomalies in poor areas in swing states Ohio and Florida, which also happened to have bunches of insecure voting machines with no paper trails installed. If you think I'm paranoid, I'll refer you to my .signature
And before we go any further down this path, I will remind everyone that discussion of politics is against forum rules. Feel free to PM one another if this is a subject that you'd like to debate, but let's throttle back here, please.
Chris is a fucking bastard son of a swine. A truer tosser has not existed. Yesterday I was talking about him with my mate - who's planning to visit Texas for some perverse reason - and it just became clear… I'm in love with a fucking bastard son of a swine...
This is only a rant because I'm hungover as fuck...
Windows is a goddamned piece of shit and so the fuck is Dell. I HATE being forced to use this piss-poor platform at work. Pure misery.
The genius that decided Las Vegas was the perfect place to make an outdoor play area where all the equipment is in direct sunlight for several hours a day deserves to be strapped to it for a few weeks. Preferably, one of the large metal riding toys. Naked.
Normally, I'm pretty laid back about playgrounds, but after watching half a dozen kids start crying and screaming in pain because literally everything they touch is burning hot, I seriously want to strangle someone.
That reminds me of a time in school when my professor outlined a hypothetical scenario and then asked a classmate which party could sue. The dude started analyzing the various parties involved, their responsibilities, etc. and the professor just cut him off in mid sentence and said, "This is America. Anyone can sue."
So yes, I could, but I probably wouldn't get very far. That said, I am going to contact Town Square Las Vegas and tell them how goddamn stupid they are and that they should fire their clearly incompetent lawyers for allowing this moronic liability to exist.