Random Rants
And before we go any further down this path, I will remind everyone that discussion of politics is against forum rules. Feel free to PM one another if this is a subject that you'd like to debate, but let's throttle back here, please.
Chris is a fucking bastard son of a swine. A truer tosser has not existed. Yesterday I was talking about him with my mate - who's planning to visit Texas for some perverse reason - and it just became clear… I'm in love with a fucking bastard son of a swine...
This is only a rant because I'm hungover as fuck...
Windows is a goddamned piece of shit and so the fuck is Dell. I HATE being forced to use this piss-poor platform at work. Pure misery.
The genius that decided Las Vegas was the perfect place to make an outdoor play area where all the equipment is in direct sunlight for several hours a day deserves to be strapped to it for a few weeks. Preferably, one of the large metal riding toys. Naked.
Normally, I'm pretty laid back about playgrounds, but after watching half a dozen kids start crying and screaming in pain because literally everything they touch is burning hot, I seriously want to strangle someone.
That reminds me of a time in school when my professor outlined a hypothetical scenario and then asked a classmate which party could sue. The dude started analyzing the various parties involved, their responsibilities, etc. and the professor just cut him off in mid sentence and said, "This is America. Anyone can sue."
So yes, I could, but I probably wouldn't get very far. That said, I am going to contact Town Square Las Vegas and tell them how goddamn stupid they are and that they should fire their clearly incompetent lawyers for allowing this moronic liability to exist.
dealing with dell is like sticking pins in my eyes
"welcome to dell canada" HA
Why don't you hold off on your next pair of Vibergs and get a Mac?
It's extremely easy to get used to.
This man speaks the truth, once you go Mac you never go back. I was a PC user up until about 9 years ago, and had to buy a new PC every 12 - 18 months due to the tech falling behind and machine becoming a giant paperweight.
In 9 years I have owned 2 Macs, the first one I paid £700 for (at the time this was much more than a Windows laptop), and sold it 7 years later for £400 to upgrade to my MacBook Pro.
My story almost the exact same as Mega's. For years Kiya had been whinging on at me to go Mac. Like Gav, I changed my Dell once per year cos it was a heap of crap. Almost 3 years ago I bought a MacBookAir - it has no feckin idea what a virus is, runs the same speed as it did the day I bought it and even dropped it onto its corner onto a concrete floor from waist height, apart from a dent, it merely laughed. Initially, I had about 4 weeks of stumbling around and there are still some things that frustrate me, but overall, never looked back…..
guess i should NOT stop drinking alcohol
haven't lost an IH item this time, but my OGL iPhone case including my bank card + drivers license(which i was able to get back today, ogl case + drivers license (getting a new bank card, so they dumped the old one already!)…somebody found it in front off the bank building and handed everything in. so today, as i had to go to the bank to pick up some cash for the fucking peugeot, the guy recognized my name and asked me if i was missing something! so after a few more minutes wait, he came back with my goods in his hands
new bank card should arrive during the next day!...guess i´m a lucky fella
…also almost my iphone, but i was lucky and the woman that found it turned it in at the local hotel and called a mate of mine so that I was able to pick it up...hurrah! -.-
Das Glück ist mit den Dummen…
and for our English speaking folks:
Fortune favours fools -
i dont know, i've never really fucked with a mac
i know NOTHING about them at allThat's the point, you don't need to know shit to use them. My old man, who is completely computer illiterate, uses a Mac and loves it. Easy to use with less problems.
And if you're a propeller head like me you can drop into a Unix shell and go wild. Mac OS X is superb.