What's your favorite Beer?
I like my life sweet and my beer bitter. Or sour. That said, I can handle certain dry fruit lambics.
Seul, Faro is brewed with candy sugar and wild yeast, it's a very interesting beer and really great about once a year. Good after a rich meal for desert. It's the ice wine of the beer world. I'm currently drinking a canned Belgian style Tripel that's brewed in Wichita, KS. Surprisingly delishious.
(I love when she wants to drive the big truck.)
Yeah I know it has candy sugar, but the Lindemans also has artificial sweeteners added… So I'm hoping there's a less sweet Faro out there... Gonna try the Cantillon Faro for starters... It is a really nice drink on itself though... Excellent for warmer weather...
PS: that motherfucking Rolex... And Lori... There is no drink in your pic...
So… Re-visited the Lindemans Faro... This time I followed the advice to serve it chilled (5C°)... Even put it in the freezer for five minutes prior to pouring... Result?.. Delicious stuff, very refreshing, lotsa taste, bit too sweet but when sitting out in the sun that's not really an issue... Can't wait to try other Faros!..
Then it was time for the real stuff, of course…
That one is quite sour; good, but definitely sour.
Doing my homework… Apparently the best Faro is:
- Cantillon
- 3 Fonteinen
- De Cam Oude Faro (old Faro)
Going back to Geers this Thursday... ::) Getting lots of Liefmans Goudenband as well (and one for a certain faux-Texan).
Here's the official want-list…
- Cantillon Faro
- De Cam Oude Faro
- 3 Fonteinen Faro
- Liefmans Goudenband
- Crombé Oude Kriek
- Cantillon Lou Pepe Pure Kriek
- Cantillon Kriekenlambiek
- 3 Fonteinen Schaerbeekse Kriek
- 3 Fonteinen Intense Oude Kriek
- De Cam Kriek Lambiek
- Hanssens Oude Kriek
- Lindemans Kriek Cuvée René
That one is quite sour; good, but definitely sour.
Yes on both fronts… But mainly: HOLY FECKIN COW this is good
[img width=640 height=853]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h429/Seul666/Seul666c/P1210943_zps1eed2310.jpg