Random Announcements
Winchy in one month:
(Hint if it doesn't connect: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meenlljixB1r9xvu6o1_500.jpg)
Drink bottled water, and avoid the locals. Don't worry I will be in town this weekend to bring some much needed civility to proceedings
Mega=the heart and soul of civility.
Thank you Christopher
Purple camel toe?
Ugh, I'll show myself out…
Hope all my colonial buddies enjoy celebrating their victory over us villainous Brits.
2 hours and I am officially unemployed! ;D8)
^ ha…enjoy your free time buddy!
so today, the first week of work is over.
what to say...i had/have a blast
finally i'm getting a bit more insight (slowly but steady) into the project and the things that happened before my time...
meeting a bunch of new people, new faces, new names every day. we're like 50 people in the office and not a single one is a dick...all are great and I really enjoy to work/chat/have lunch with those guys! couldn't be happieralso yesterday was the first day I got a bit hammered after work...along with the boss! had a blast and tbh. this was one of the best decisions I've made in life so far! now I only need to find a place that I can call my home...work in progress though!
btw. davito and ruedi...I'm coming for ya guys! wednesday and thursday I'm gonna be in zürich. getting schooled in a special computer program...gonna pm you though before my arrival!
looking forward to it -
Glas klar mate
i've opened up two bank accounts (spending and saving) during the week…month 1 and 2 isn't gonna throw of that much I think, though I'm already saving 1k for not having a place I can call my home…living in a one room apartment now...the exact same I had two years ago ^^
btw. Eli...expect some crane pics buddy check your whatsapp ^^