Random Announcements
2 hours and I am officially unemployed! ;D8)
^ ha…enjoy your free time buddy!
so today, the first week of work is over.
what to say...i had/have a blast
finally i'm getting a bit more insight (slowly but steady) into the project and the things that happened before my time...
meeting a bunch of new people, new faces, new names every day. we're like 50 people in the office and not a single one is a dick...all are great and I really enjoy to work/chat/have lunch with those guys! couldn't be happieralso yesterday was the first day I got a bit hammered after work...along with the boss! had a blast and tbh. this was one of the best decisions I've made in life so far! now I only need to find a place that I can call my home...work in progress though!
btw. davito and ruedi...I'm coming for ya guys!
wednesday and thursday I'm gonna be in zürich. getting schooled in a special computer program...gonna pm you though before my arrival!
looking forward to it -
Glas klar mate
i've opened up two bank accounts (spending and saving) during the week…month 1 and 2 isn't gonna throw of that much I think, though I'm already saving 1k for not having a place I can call my home…living in a one room apartment now...the exact same I had two years ago ^^
btw. Eli...expect some crane pics buddy
check your whatsapp ^^
Jake asks for some change to throw in the fountain. I give him 4 quarters and he precedes to make his 1st wish out loud. "I wish I could meet Captain America", 2nd wish out loud "I wish I could meet Ironman", 3rd wish out loud "I wish I had a girlfriend" and final wish "I wish I could eat chocolate ice cream everyday". LMFAO, to not have a care in the world!!!
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Tommy and Cam, Iron Heart next gen.
OOOoo yeah, ??? Forgot to post this from the GF on the 4th of July!
I need an RnR….
super randon weird internet shopping world:
got an email 15 min ago, from a Brazilian girl (she is a customer of mine) asking if it would be possible to buy her something on eBay from an dealer who doesn't ship to Brazil. No deal, so went doing that and virtual the same moment that spoken dealer ordered something from me!!!??? how fecking weird is this….
Not sure about some of the conclusions, but this is certainly a nice article about Houston.
Photo-bombed by the boss ….
i love my work
work called me to come to zürich for a two day computer program! all in all that means…
zürich > taking a swim in the zürich lake > finally meeting davito > meeting swissjeans_freak again > visitng the jeansmuseum again > visiting VMC (Roger, Simona, Freddy,...) > what more to ask for
Forum member SepticSef just did these awesome tshirt designs for Self Edge!! http://blog.selfedge.com/2013/07/the-self-edge-x-florian-bertmer-t-shirt.html
That´s cool!!! A "The Ice - MMVII" poster is hanging in my room
SepticSef does and did a great job!
Feckin bad ass.