Unpopular opinions
Unpopular opinion for a Brit, I cannot stand the Beatles, to the point that the thought of John Lennon actually makes me angry. He wasn't a genius, he was an arrogant, arty, hippy, scouse tosser.
And he was twice as talented and half as irritating as Paul McCartney.
No he wasn't McCartney wrote Live And Let Die, which ruled more than any crud the "Fab Four" came out with. Although McCartney also sucks.
Do you think he actually sucks or is just really really overrated? Especially considering how popular the Beatles are even today…
Either really, I don't like him/ them/ anything they did/ and I don't care for people who call them or their music "genius". What the Beach Boys did was genius, what the Beatles did was simplistic twaddle and the result of many drugs.
^ Buy Super black…..move on
There are some non-fading denims on the market I think.
Seriously, god damn stubborn bitches won't fade! I love fades, but the 634S will last forever so I'll be patient. I think one of the best things about jeans is that they are a canvas telling a story and each pair is unique. I like that my phone, wallet, and blade leave marks, and that how I move is documented in the creases and fades… That's why pre-distressed jeans are so lame. They're telling a story of being processed in a factory.
Back on topic. I am damn sick of denim kickstarters. It's one thing if you are an artisan making the jeans and getting up front investment, but it seems like most of them are just people designing generic plain ass jeans with some distinguishing gimmick like a selvage accent on the SIDE of the coin pocket (woo! I'm cool look at my selvage) and then having some LA sweatshop manufacture the goods.
SHORTS. I strongly dislike shorts with hems on them. Maybe this makes me weird. As a matter of fact, the only shorts i actually do like are cut off dickies. i believe shorts are meant to be casual, and having premade shorts looks to me like a feeble attempt at trying to add some sort of formality to shorts. you're wearing shorts, you're not going to court in them (although if you are…bravo to you, you just became my hero), so you might as well just embrace the fact that you're being a slob and just wear frayed cut off dickies. literally the ONLY exception i make is for Birdwell Beach Britches and MAYBE a pair of old beat up cut off jeans.
Speaking of shorts, I fucking hate summer.
I hate being forced to wear shorts/sneakers/t-shirts and still sweat my ass off.
Word! Hot weather sucks balls, sweaty balls at that !
I like heavy denim, heavy boots, heavy flannels, hoodies and big coats, bring me SNOW !!!!
Related, the British attitude to weather is very annoying, this is the only country in the world where if the temperature touch 17 degrees you will see some idiot in shorts and a ski coat :o
First sign of sun and everyone walks around like it's Ibiza, first sign of snow and all public transport grinds to a halt and people stop going to work. Honestly, most people here treat every form of weather like it's the greatest surprise of their lives.
I GUARANTEE a different attitude if you spend a few winters in Minneapolis
Back on-topic, I generally dislike:
Boots with shorts.
Sandals with pants.