Random Rants
I'm sick of vegans and vegetarians trying to shame me into their diets. Look, I get it, misery loves company. But what you don't understand is that, even if I thought eating animals was in any way wrong, you can't shame someone who has no shame. Take your crusade elsewhere.
I'm sick of vegans and vegetarians trying to shame me into their diets. Look, I get it, misery loves company. But what you don't understand is that, even if I thought eating animals was in any way wrong, you can't shame someone who has no shame. Take your crusade elsewhere.
Where do you live Bags? I grew up in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Mississippi
Where do you live Bags? I grew up in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Mississippi
North Carolina, home of Billy Graham, enough said
I do source my meat from suppliers who treat the beasts humanely. I care about animals and sustainability. I also care about health and science, and all the Forks Over Knives stuff that has reinvigorated the vegan choir is selective pseudoscience at its best; reminiscent of global warming denier cherry-picked "science." And just as tiring and pointless as those arguments.
So, to expand my rant, I hate when people start with a conclusion, and then arrange all the facts to support that conclusion. In other words, working exactly backwards from the scientific method.
I hate when people start with a conclusion, and then arrange all the facts to support that conclusion.
You just perfectly described my every day at work.
I hate when people start with a conclusion, and then arrange all the facts to support that conclusion.
Best rant in a while.
Not to rub it in, but my SS 16 is my favorite chambray fabric of all time. I needs me a long sleeve version, LMK if that deal falls through some how.
Game/set/match to the Porcine One
I saw a compelling one yesterday from Engineered Garments that would work with that well. I think unstructured is best there.
personally i think a dark navy blazer is a more versatile blazer and suitable for a dressed down look. By the "rules" it goes with everything except black so i guess IF you live by the rules then it would depend upon your footwear and color shirts you are planning to wear. just my 2 cents
I have a Loro Piana wool one that's awesome, but it has the traditional nautical brass buttons. I really need to switch em out for horn or something.
Somebody help me out on these ass lines along the side of my pockets on my 3011s.
I had them on my 3001s for the first week and they settled slightly. Not on this pair, how can I get rid of them? Iron does not work, unless there is a trick to doing so. Should I get them tailored to my ass or what?
Qinhan sold me his IHSH-16 for 175 $. I added 7 $ to cover the fee, so that adds up to 182.
Through the Paypal conversion, this came to 146 €.
Conversion from:
-€146,20 EUR
Conversion to:
$182,00 USD
Exchange rate:
1 Euro = 1,2448 U.S. DollarsDate:
11 Jul 2013Adam, though, to cover up for Paypal's fucked up conversion rate, which is ALWAYS in your disadvantage, had to pay me 197 $!..
Conversion from:
-$197,00 USD
Conversion to:
€146,02 EUR
Exchange rate:
1 U.S. Dollar = 0,7412 EurosDate:
21 Jul 2013And no: the exchange rate has not shifted drastically in 10 days… It is almost the EXACT same actually!..
And by the way, using an OFFICIAL currency exchanger, 197 $ is not 146 € but 197.00 USD = 149.926 EUR
Pure fucking mafia style…