Memorable concerts
Ritchie Blackmore is my favorite guitarist, Cal Jam 1974 was insane, Rainbow 1975 was great since RJD
was on vocals..I am also a massive Blackmore fan. It all started when I was about 12 and my dad bought me a copy of In Rock. I'd never heard anything like it. I listened to that fucking album constantly for months and months, trying to learn every one of Ritchie's riffs. I became obsessed - as teenagers do - and memorised ridiculous facts about Ritchie, such as his pet's name, his parents birthdays, and what school he went to! Unfortunately, as I grew a bit older and read/saw more interviews with him, I realised what a pretentious douche he is. I'm still a huge fan of his guitar work though, and would give a nut to be in your shoes as the California Jam!
Memorable ones…
Bad brains, coc, leeway I think in 90?
Danzig with sound garden opening. 89?
Ramones with dd a few times before he got the boot
Skinny puppy with godflesh can't remember
Lungfish. Every time. Always amazing.
Moz. Many times but the your arsenal tour was my favorite
Agnostic front and the vandals... 87?
Sonic youth on the goo tour
Rollins band on the lifetime tour was unstoppable
Low with Ida. Things we lost in the fire tour.I could go on all night so I am gonna stop.
Strong. Love me some lungfish. Low is rad too. They are local here.
Christ, I would give a testicle to see Zeppelin, even now.
Yep. If I had a time machine, Zeppelin would be high on the list…
Most memorable: Rage Against the Machine -
I bought their first CD strictly because of the cover art before they were popular. Gut proved right in that case. Saw em in Minneapolis during the Republican National Convention being in St. Paul. Also saw Nightwatchman at a festival that weekend. Basically, lots of anarchists and riot police and even a little tear gas throughout the proceedings… Just classic. De la Rocha did try to tell the crowd to be peaceful, which may have averted a wholesale riot. Also a group that had jars of piss stockpiled for some sort of act of protest was arrested before they could make things interesting...
Memorable ones…
Bad brains, coc, leeway I think in 90?
Danzig with sound garden opening. 89?
Ramones with dd a few times before he got the boot
Skinny puppy with godflesh can't remember
Lungfish. Every time. Always amazing.
Moz. Many times but the your arsenal tour was my favorite
Agnostic front and the vandals... 87?
Sonic youth on the goo tour
Rollins band on the lifetime tour was unstoppable
Low with Ida. Things we lost in the fire tour.I could go on all night so I am gonna stop.
Strong. Love me some lungfish. Low is rad too. They are local here.
I've seen Low many many times and they never fail to dissapoint.
Neurosis is always amazing, but the Through Silver In Blood tour was probably my favorite, although the first time I saw them was on Souls At Zero.
Buzzoven was always a spectacle, but my favorite time was when they incited an actual riot at the bait shack in norfolk virginia and kept playing as the place erupted into complete chaos.
Lifetime's last show at the melody bar was great.
I've seen Fugazi on almost every record, going back to the demo and they never dissapointed.
Shudder To Think and Jawbox on the Funeral At The Movies/Grippe tour was absolutely amazing.
I broke my nose once at a Cro Mags show during World Peace/We Gotta Know and Craig Setari set it back in place for me after the show. That was pretty cool.
OH…and Nation Of Ulysses....fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk. What an absolute beautiful trainwreck they were.
I didn't really start going to "big" concerts until I was older because I couldn't afford them, so most of mine are punk/hc related.
Yeah, Nation of Ulysses was a formative band for me but unfortunately I never saw them live. I did see the Make-Up and they shredded. Ian licked my buddy's face… Ha.
Stand out besides my top 3
Seen Fugazi prob 50 times i used to cut class in high school to drive to dc to see Fugazi. In 1994 I saw Drive Like Jehu. Another favorite is Rocket From The Crypt I have seen them countless times love everything John Reis does. Seeing Leatherface in New Brunswick, NJ play in a basement because the venue burnt down. Seeing Converge play last year in Philly with Urb. The intensity and emotion was mind blowing. Also got to hang with Riff always a plus.
Can't be too specific on dates as it's a bit of a mosh mosh but here's some standouts:
David Bowie, Changes tour 1990
Pavement reunion tour in 2009/10 (wasn't cool enough to catch em first time round)
The Roots in 2004 ish. Expected little but had my mind blown
Beastie Boys in 2005. Incredible. RIP MCA
Arcade Fire followed by Kraftwerk, Electric Picnic 2005. Thought AF couldn't be topped. They were.
The National in Whelans 2006. They tore the 150 person venue to the ground.
The Shins in Whelans 2004. Just mesmeric.
White Stripes in Coney Island 2007. Mind blowing. Jack White is a legend.Jeez, lots of other great gigs coming back to me now. Time to stare open mouthed out the window as the memories come flooding back.
Worst gig coincidentally was Bob Dylan. Just saw him once,he sat at the keys at the back of the stage and growled for an hour and a half. That said I'd give him another shot.
Oh btw Blackheart, that's a dream list of gigs you laid out there. Incredible super cool stuff!
Dystopia 1998. It's the first one that springs to mind.
saw them right around then on tour with grief!
Stand out besides my top 3
Seen Fugazi prob 50 times i used to cut class in high school to drive to dc to see Fugazi. In 1994 I saw Drive Like Jehu. Another favorite is Rocket From The Crypt I have seen them countless times love everything John Reis does. Seeing Leatherface in New Brunswick, NJ play in a basement because the venue burnt down. Seeing Converge play last year in Philly with Urb. The intensity and emotion was mind blowing. Also got to hang with Riff always a plus.
jehu was so good live. i saw them in dc once…i think the show was with heroin and jawbreaker and jawbox but my memory is foggy on this one.
speaking of foggy memories, start a thread of concerts where i don't remember shit(alot of those :P)
hahaha yep
i agree there
conversation between me and a buddy a few days after the last lucero show
me "damn that was a short set ah?"
my buddy "really? dude they played for over an hour and half"
me "fuck off really?"
my buddy "dude you sang every song, you dont remember any of it?"
me "thats awesome" -
speaking of foggy memories, start a thread of concerts where i don't remember shit(alot of those :P)
hahaha yep
i agree there
conversation between me and a buddy a few days after the last lucero show
me "damn that was a short set ah?"
my buddy "really? dude they played for over an hour and half"
me "fuck off really?"
my buddy "dude you sang every song, you dont remember any of it?"
me "thats awesome" -
RocknRoll : Yeah, I was obsessed by Blackmore too…Cal Jam was classic Blackmore arsehole behaviour!
I actually have a bootleg album of that gig along with ELP's gig from that night. In Rock is a great album,
I still listen to it.Riff: I'd love to transport us back to those gigs, all were classics.
A small note on Springsteen: I was working in a record store when he released Born in the USA, it was a
chain store so the store that sold the most copies on the day it was released won tickets to the show for
that tour. We sold the most so I got to see him for free. Same thing for Prince's Purple Rain album, saw
him for free on that tour.Bands I saw for free when they were first starting:
Motley Crue
Guns N' Roses
LA Guns
Warrant ( I was their manager )
Quiet RiotJust to name a few.
Oh God, the list is endless!
I was a band manager, kind of spoils it huh?
I saw LA Guns last year in Nottingham on Traci's birthday….it was not a pretty sight
I saw Tracii about a month ago, a bit worse for wear I hate to report.
Just a footnote on the Mott the Hoople gig I saw in 1974, Aerosmith opened on their first American tour
that night. My friend Paul leaned over and said to me " They're going to be huge. " Was he ever right. -
Aerosmith were so good, Steve Tyler has basically the perfect rock voice. I hate it when younger fans think of them as a soundtrack band
Sad news on Tracii, when I saw them the power went out in Rock City and he kept the crown entertained by telling jokes, natural showman