Hard Drinkers, Lets Drink Hard (Spirits, Liquors and Cocktails)
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I like mixed beverages. This is something of a hobby/addiction.
Prepping for the evening with the Cocktail à La Louisianne on D666's cherished coaster gift. This is an old New Orleans classic. Very anise-forward, between the Peychaud's and absinthe. I use two brandy soaked cherries in lieu of the maraschino cherries.
Damn I need some oranges.
Mine is whiskey, simple, bitters, stir, twist, and toss the fruit, built in the glass. Either a decent whiskey or a love of whiskey, or both, are required
I actually prefer the Sazerac expression of the OF, and the very best way of experiencing that IMO is:
Being a drunk.
A sazerac with Thomas Handy rye, Peychaud's, simple, and St. George absinthe rinse, the excess served in a sidecar. Lemon expressed over the beverage.
This is as good as it gets.
Today, all day at the pool. My invention, the Pimp's Cup, a play on the classic Pimm's Cup cocktail. This one uses a local "grapefruit shandy," some hop bitters, lemon soda, Pimm's, and no garnish (cucumbers are in the classic Pimm's cup). This is very refreshing. JSJ and Zhivago, if you or a lady of yourn don't like the Schell Shocked I sent you, this is a good use for it. I find it a bit sweet, so I either take it with the hop bitters or like this.
Shane, if you're interested, I can give you my Old Fashioned "recipe" which is more of a procedure, but it's the best damn drink I know how to make.
Yes please.
I love Old Fashioned(s).
Agreed. Don't shake my martini, and if you can't make an old fashioned, do something else for a living because you clearly don't give a shit.
Reverse Manhattan, Marvel Bar, Minneapolis. Angostura, Weller 107, Antica Formula (the main ingredient by volume, hence the "reverse"), lemon rind twist and garnish
Old fashioned. Old Forrester, simple, angostura, flamed orange rind twist and garnish. Like candy.
And finishing the aperitif session with some neat tequila, orange rind expressed over the glass. I love this one:
This is intriguing…
Tried Suntory Yamizake? Not bad…