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Interesting boot cut/skinny jean hybrid he's got going there.
Great site a lot of the text - most of it is Japanese but still a great resource.
Another nice denim book is DENIM From Cowboys to Catwalks
pretty interesting. just like the title suggests it has a little history on denim from the creation of the levi's brand all the way up until the modern day, with blurbs about evis and even leading up to the creation of fashion denim brands through the 80s/90s. Best part of the book though is the vintage denim pics.I have this book and I also have Jeans of the Old West from Mr. Harris. If I had to pick ONE I would totally choose Jeans of the Old West… which I find has a little more info and really awesome photos... not to mention that the DENIM book is a little tough to find if you don't want to pay an outrageous amount. I found my copy on eBay
Hope I figured out the right thread to post this, a truly awesome article from Ruedi, none other than our esteemed Swiss Jeansfreak, about intense fading and comparisons -hardly ever seen!- of different denim items worn by the same person(s).
I love it and wouldn't change a thing. Great score.
Love that jacket!!!
Wow, that's a beauty!
Fit pic would be very cool…
Awesome Jord, thanks!