What's your favorite Beer?
Sours are awesome. I wish more breweries in the US would try doing them, but they are more of an acquired taste than most other styles.
A few- Monk's Cafe, Timmerman's, Lindeman's; that's all, I think. Always open to trying some new ones, especially ones you think are worthwhile.
Jealous of that Monk's… But Timmermans and Lindemans are defo not (good) geuzes at all...
Coming to the ole Chippendale Rd:
This is just INCREDIBLE!.. Jesus tapdancing christ!!! 9%, dark ale (but dark amber coloured), complex, soft… Just PERFECTLY balanced...
Seriously: I'm in LOVE!..
It's pretty good seeing as it's low in alcie at 7.5%, but there are tons of better blondes out there (and I don't mean [SFW] https://lh3.ggpht.com/_8PYnkPsYiZg/TK6SLTrsWVI/AAAAAAAABp4/gNpZi3vETJ8/s1600/pig.jpg )
It's pretty good seeing as it's low in alcie at 7.5%,
Ha. "Low" he says. Not a big fan of Belgian beer for the most part but at least they have ABV ideas I can relate to…
Well during the summer I regularly do beers under 6-7%… All other seasons I usually hover around 10-13% though... But it's still warm and sunny here, so this relatively light St Feuillien is a godsend right now
And I'm wondering what Belgian beers you had that didn't impress you... I need names, McKleine!.. OR HEADS WILL ROLL!..
I just don't dig top fermentation and champagny bubbles. I can appreciate them, but if I'm drinking beer and taking that caloric hit, I want a big, hoppy over the top West Coast IPA with notes of citrus and pine resin. The bitterer the betterer.
If examples of this aren't available over there id gladly send some.
I do love a sour beer, red Flemish ales have rung my bell before.
We do a Belgian beer Fest here annually, I'll send the menu next time, would love to see how a Belgian regarded it.