Thanks for recommendation
"Obstacles are stepping-stones that guide us to our goals"
"To Wank or to Crank, that is the question."
All I can say, for that to even be a question, you must have some damn fine coffee
Stumptown Ethiopia Duromina
Urb, that's the same one I use. Awesome little bugger.
Is that even a question?! Stumptown can't be THAT good! (I don't know, I've never tried the coffee)
It's good. A friend brought me some back from portland once, it was great. I like camp 4 coffee out of crested butte Colorado, a lot. Their sledgehammer is amazing.
I'd drink ditchwater if it meant I was in CB
I'm headed to CB in a couple weeks, thanks for the tip ohighyo…
powder mostly. some work could also happen…
Happy to see Dogwood made the list, for whatever that's worth…
Need to get myself some Dogwood
there are probably support groups for that sort of thing D
Haha I can help you out there. The neon espresso is really nice as is the Guatemalan. I recommend the former for aeropress and the latter for pourover. I'll grab some extra next time I head over there.