IHSW-06-Indigo - Indigo Dipped Loop Wheeled Crew Neck Sweat
This will supplant my beloved natty IHSW as favorite sweater ever.
Is overdye an option too?
That is something I'd take for sure, and this is something I'll take otherwise.
Looks good to me.
G will this fit me?
D, mine is a 40. I don't wear a 40 in anything but it fits with some room.
I would think so. I am wearing an L in the fitpics on the IHSW-06 page and Sarina does not think we got much if any shrinkage in the dunking experiments….
Is L tagged 40 or 42 G?
I is always 40 is I'm not mistaken…
Ok thanks. L it will be then.
Sod off I say to you thread haters. I love that contrast look! I'll be taking one of these please and thank you. I bet they will fade amazingly!