Trophy Clothing
FYI, if you are between sizes in dirt denim, my advice is to size down. The denim stretches very easily. When I got my 1607s, the hips were tight as fuck, but within a few hours the stretched to the perfect fit. IMO, these jeans take about 2 months actual wear to get them comfortable. The indigo has a greyish cast to it, when it fades, it's very nice (personally, I'm over the electric blue color).
Okay, so now I'm thinking I should just muscle through the stretching phase. I ordered the 1607s originally then got scared away by the revised thigh measurements. I asked noKipple to revise the order to the 1605s. They won't ship until Monday. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
The measurement of the thigh the noKipple way (3" down from the crotch) is not the concerning one. It's the measurement done the Iron Heart way (right at the crotch) that has me concerned. Seems like the hips and the rear will be too narrow and tight.
The site says dirt denim is sanforized:
"This is a sanforised jean. The process of sanforising denim is designed to remove all of the shrink from it, and take away the guess work of the wearer when purchasing denim. Sanforised denim can be worn straight from the package."
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Pretty sure that's a mistake. I have serious leg twist on my pair. I have also gone back and forth with the designer a little, Masaki Egawa, and what I discerned from the conversation is that the dirt denim is loomstate (kibata) denim that is one washed. The garage denim is the same denim as the dirt denim, but its raw.
Then they may have two mistakes: "Garage Denim is the dynamic opposite to Dirt Denim, it is raw, it is smooth, and where Dirt Denim has a rough surface but is light and soft in motion, Garage Denim is flat and hard."
Did you put them in the dryer or rack dry? Do you mind taking post wash measurements? Thanks Seul, it's gonna be these or 666-19L for my next pair. Yes I also realize they are completely different
I'll wait on your pics to see. I'm liking the 19L measurements, but I also like to try out other brands every now and then.
Crappy pics, little natty light…
![](<br />429/Seul666/Seul666d/1acca037-b141-4afa-8716-730cc271eea2_zps3f8dd750.jpg)
They are perfect. I'm probably off to order mine tomorrow or Tuesday.