Unpopular opinions
A mate of mines band toured with them quite a few years ago, I went to a few dates and met them all and to be honest they were a bunch of pricks, but that song has so much win about it for the flagrant use of the UK insult "Bell End". To my knowledge it is the only popular song in history to incorporate one of my favourite insults.
Nate - Fuck that Pogues song. In the UK at this time of year it is on the radio at least 200 times a day, on every station, plus I used to work in an Irish bar where it was required listening for a further 500 times a night, plus Shane McGowan is less Irish than I am so fuck him too.
(Generally I love a lot of other pogues songs, but that one just makes my skin crawl)
Those who would lock people up for smoking herbs are scum.
If you are one of those people, fuck you very much and have a very shitty Christmas.
Alcohol is a far worse drug, and a far bigger drain on the NHS in the UK, just more socially acceptable. I used to smoke a LOT of weed up until Tommy was born so I would never criticise anyone who wants to, hard to commit crime when you high as a motherfucker.
Great for me though as I absolutely love booze
United States is the most incarcerative society in the history of the world. Yay, we're #1 at something again!
Those who would lock people up for smoking herbs are scum.
If you are one of those people, fuck you very much and have a very shitty Christmas.
Never tried it and never cared to, but don't give two shits if anyone does it. There are bigger problems in the world.
I couldn't give two shits if somebody wanted to shoot krokodil into to their damn eyeball.
Thanks for allowing my little public rant and being the decent sort of people I've come to expect from this great forum.
I had 1.5 glasses of wine with my team this evening. My first glass(es) of wine literally all year. I've been tired, fuzzy, and slightly head-achy since. Body does not like drinking in moderation, which is why I don't drink. Worst feeling ever. (It was a ~$100USD bottle so decent stock). #unpopularopinion for sure.
I'm finding the heavier red wines disagree with my stomach more and more each year. Prosecco and Champagne seem to agree with me just fine though
Does the Australian government add a bunch of goddamn sulfites like the US government to red wines? That's what this sounds like. Unconscionable.
every bodies different snowman. i know folks that cannot function without a drink or a smoke & then folks that are straight edge & can not touch anything cause it puts them in a bad place so to speak. i always tell folks
#pickyourownpoision & i won't hold it against you if we hanging out & you don't drink, but don't hold it against me if i don't snort or smoke.regardless i'm sure good times were had.
here's my unpopular opinion of the moment, i love the holidays despite how commercial they are. i love seeing my miserable family & lending folks money i really shouldn't lend cause i can't afford it & drinking too much & putting up decorations & all that corny stuff.
one of my idle's is Clark Griswold
^ lol.
I'm glad that was the first thought of someone else reading that
I hear you Monday!
Little full….lotta sap!
Dude, Where's My Car? Is one of the greatest movies ever made.