Unpopular opinions
Is that the dude from Type O Negative?
I think it is, almost positive.
Super, kind of comically gothic band from back in the day. He's dead now, but he was a great dude, pretty fucking funny for a goth.
I remember seeing some rock documentary where they talked about this spread he did in Playgirl. Anaconda, Shetland pony, etc…
Some temples smell of incense…
Will Ferrell is one of the most painfully unfunny people on the planet. Watching him for 5 minutes makes me want to stab myself. The only person even close to Will Ferrell in epic awfulness is Ben Stiller.
I'd rather get punched in the nuts than watch Zoolander.
I liked Old School but I'm not far off from Chris here.
I think that the cultural differences between the UK and the USA are best illustrated by how much we seem to love Will Ferrel, Steve Carrell etc.. over here, and how much we fucking hate Seth Rogen and his merry bunch.
My hatred of the 70s is nearly as great as my hatred of Will Ferrell, so a movie set in that decade and starring him is impossible for me to objectively consider.
I'm with Seul on Anchorman….Elfis also awesome, and so is Zoolander for that matter.
I'm sure this has been covered here already, but pics of food and scenery in denim-related threads make me want to punch a kitten.