Random Announcements
Michael Bay has 2 more Tranformers movies on his contract, which means more ridiculous explosions than you can shake a stick at…....twice.
Burn Hollywood burn
Utah is getting pounded by snow & ice. We also have kick ass guys on Unicycles???
Strangest pic I've seen in a long time.
No mention of the guy in the article or anything. Too funny
emil did number two in the potty, YEAAAH!
Thanks for the reminder. I take it you were talking about this movie. I am going to make sure I watch this over the Holidays. Heard it is very good.
Nice email received a few mins ago:
Ive had the pleasure of owning a pair of 8301S for almost year now. Yesterday, I had the misfortune of being involved in a motorcycle accident. A bloke pulled out in front of me, I collided with his fender, and was tossed over his hood. I landed on my hip and slid a bit across the pavement. I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for carrying a truly great product. It held together and saved my skin, literally. I'm sore and bruised in a few places, but I sustained no road rash. So again, thank you!"